<- Yet another update -> Sent a 72 hour ITS today to a CA that has really messed up. I paid them 3 months ago, and they still refuse to list the debt as paid. So, after validatons and estoppel the ITS is out. This one is pretty easy to prove as I have the CC statement showing the date of the payment, the letters demanding the validation, the disputes and verifications from the CRA's, yada yada yada. Hopefully these idiots will figure out that I have them by the cahones and remove the item.
<- Another update bump -> Another one bites the dust, this time Leascomm. I dropped a nasty email to the CFO of Leascomm, and he handed it off to their VP of Customer Relations. After an interesting conversation where he actually admitted that I had them on a "technicality" of the FCRA he agreed to delete the item. I quickly shot back that violations of the FCRA are not technicalities, but rather the only protection that a consumer has against companies that do not report correctly. He agreed, and is sending the UDF today!!!! Woohoo!!!!
<- Latest update -> TRANSUNION IS CLEAN!!!! WHOOO HOOOO!!! I received my updated TU report yesterday and not a negative in sight. As well, the UDF for the deletion from Leasecomm was received in the mail yesterday. This leaves just 1 on EXP and 2 on EQF. ITS's go out on Monday, so I'm feeling that the 3 remaining negatives will soon change!!!
Re: Re: Received UDF following "nutcase" Congrats. Excellent, excellent job!! The moral of this story is to keep at it and don't give the bad guys a break. If you do persist to be a PITA to them, at some point, they will usually cave.
Hereâ??s the latest, and perhaps the last update for a while for this thread. The goal has been achieved, and now all the items that were once negative have either been removed, or are in the process of going away (http://consumers.creditnet.com/straighttalk/board/showthread.php?s=&threadid=60997). So, for those of you keeping score at home, hereâ??s the latest numbers: At the start - 33 individual negative items spanning all 3 reports (some listed across several reports) 8 creditors received nutcase #1 7 creditors required son of nutcase/nutcase #2 5 creditors required estopple letter 3 creditors required ITS 2 creditors called me personally to ask me what they needed to do to make me go away ;-) including the president of customer relations of a large corporation 1 creditor required small claims court (of which they are settling before we go to trial) 0 negative items left on the CRA report Time to completion, a little over 16 months, although I could have done it much sooner People to thank here on CreditNet â?? countless!!!
LC was off of my TU & EX right after their settlement with the FTC, but it took me 10 months of continual disputes to get them off of EQ... Finally I had to forward the settlement, all pages of the docs from the FTC, and everything else through the Atlanta BBB, and got rid of them within 24 hours of the BBB forwarding it to EQ. The best line was when the Pres. office of EQ tried to tell me that "FTC settlements are only valid in the states that had their own settlements with the company."