Received validation, but did I?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lisaps, Aug 6, 2005.

  1. lisaps

    lisaps New Member

    I sent off a letter of validation, I received back a letter from the CA, their exact words in the letter:

    We have investigate your dispute on this debt and we do not consider your dispute valid. Your debt is now in immediate collection status. In your own best interest, we urge you to clear this account today Please contact this office and make the arrangements."

    They sent the original form I signed with the creditor (a dentist), but it was faxed to them by the original creditor on 8/11/03, yes today is 8/6/05. A copy of the "Treatment Plan" with my initials. And finally a copy of the "Single Patient Ledger" which shows from 7/12/02 to 11/15/02, what charges were made, what payments I made, and what my insurance paid.

    I am thinking this is not correct validation. As I sent the letter stating what I wanted:
    What the money you say I owe is for;
    Explain and show me how you calculated what you say I owe;
    Provide me with copies of any papers that show I agreed to pay what you say I owe;
    Provide a verification or copy of any judgment if applicable;
    Identify the original creditor;
    Prove the Statute of Limitations has not expired on this account
    Show me that you are licensed to collect in my state
    Provide me with your license numbers and Registered Agent

    Is this a validation on their part. I didn't receive a "fresh copy" of the original contract. the fax shows that it was sent 8/11, the patient bill only goes to 11/2002 and they want 773.13 and the bill shows 644.00.

    I have received other "validations" from other companies, but theirs was easier, they only sent computer generated copies, no contracts. This one has me thrown a little bit, and this is the highest collection I owe. Can someone help please? I am new at this, but slowly catching on.
  2. JohnA

    JohnA Well-Known Member

    "We have investigate your dispute on this debt and we do not consider your dispute valid." (Gee, I'm not surprised....<s> I wonder how many CAs think *any* dispute is valid? <s> )

    Did you check the SOL for medical accounts in your state? They can have a shorter life-span. With 2006 right around the corner, this could be SOL especially when your account dates from 2002 and they may be hoping you're not going to double-check. If it's SOL, you can decide how you prefer to proceed.
  3. Trade4Livn

    Trade4Livn Well-Known Member

    I suppose what troubles me about your post more than anything is that you do not dispute that you owe the debt to the dentist. Perhaps there was a mixup in the billing and with the insurance company..but nowhere in this post do you actually dispute that the debt is yours... Obviously you must have received numerous correspondence from the dentist prior to the account balance being forwarded to collections. Were you not able to work it out between them and your insurance company? Were there extenuating circumstances that explain why you are not paying a debt that apparently belongs to you since you did not dispute it here?

    I hate to see individuals using validation to try and escape paying a bill that is theirs unless the circumstances are more complicated that what you explained here. The collection agency provided you with more than enough information for you to make a decision as to whether this debt was yours. Why dont you contact the dentist and see if you can resolve this?
  4. lisaps

    lisaps New Member

    I am not disputing the debt, I do owe and at the time of the debt I was waiting for all payments from my insurance company, what is I originally was disputing was the amount and if they are allowed to collect the debt. I am not trying to get out of paying. I am just sick of all the "extra dollars" these collection agencies are trying to put on you. My one debt was $200, and the collector wanted almost $800, I ask for validation of amounts, not that it is not mine.

    So again, they did not explain why the amount went from 644, to 770 and the did not give me any paperwork stating that they are to collect the debt. So this is not validation correct?

    If it is not validated, I am requesting that this debt be removed, and I will contact the original creditor (the dentist) and pay them in full.
  5. SoParkDiva

    SoParkDiva Well-Known Member

    It seems to me the debt was validated. What more validation do you want? The debt will be removed when you pay it. My advice to you is negotiate with the dentist to pay a smaller lump sum to have the old debt remove.
  6. christy461

    christy461 Active Member

    I tried to negotiate with a dentist once, after the account had gone to collections.

    The dentist would have nothing to do with me-said they only get 50% of what is collected and once a patient's account is referred to collections the dentist office is finished with them.

    As far as extra collection fees, isn't there a percentage that can be added on to the debt every month until it's paid? Like interest.
  7. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If you had a signed agreement with the dentist allowing for interest at some rate, they could add that interest. They can't just make up some interest rate and add it, although it happens often enough.

    If they sued and won, they might be able to add interest at some statutory rate, depending on state. (In some states it is around 10%). Whether they could add it without a contractual agreement to, at some statutory rate, I don't know. Check your statement, your state's laws, and call your state's consumer affairs department.

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