Redeemed Repo Removal

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Mediccc24, May 4, 2003.

  1. Mediccc24

    Mediccc24 Well-Known Member

    Hi all.

    This is one of the last things on mine and my wifes credit report.

    Reads as follows:

    date/method opened hi cr owes/ last pmt/
    Past Terms

    GMAC xpn-1
    acct # xxxx 12/02A 07/95 13566 0 0 2/01 paid

    GMAC EFX-1/TUC-2
    acct # xxxx 12/02A 07/95 13566 0 1/01
    Prior Adverse Ratings: Several Rolling lates
    Auto Loan
    Making Payments

    I am not making payments as I paid for and redeemed this car the same week it was taken. I have been disputing this for a long time and cant seem to make any progress. Can anyone help?

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