Reestablishing Credit with an

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rick, May 4, 2000.

  1. rick

    rick Well-Known Member

    I recently was turned down for a Diner's Club card (issued by Citibank), due to filing a bankruptcy on a Citibank Visa over 10 years ago. The bankruptcy is no longer on my credit report, and my credit is stellar now. Citibank is basing thier decision on their "past experience" with me. Is this legal, and any suggestions on what to do?
  2. curiouser

    curiouser Well-Known Member

    RE: Reestablishing Credit with

    It's perfectly legal. While the information cannot be listed on your credit reports. there is nothing which prevents a creditor for keeping records of previous accounts you held with them and making decisions based upon that history. Citibank considers you a poor risk. It doesn't matter to them that you have reformed; it does matter to them that you didn't live up to the terms of your agreement with them. From what I've observed, Citibank keeps records for a very long time.
    You have a two options if you really want a card from Citibank. Contact them and see if they would be willing to open an account if you paid them what they beleive you owe. Second option, look into their secured Visa or Mastercard Program.
    If it were me, I'd forget Citibank. I don't see that Diner's Club is a particularly useful card. It isn't accepted too many places. (I can't think of any company, except Neiman Marcus, that accepts Diner's but refuses Visa, Mastercard or Amex and even that may have changed.) If you like the idea of a card that you pay off every month, consider Amex.

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