Is anyone familiar with Has anyone ever used them or can provide feedback? I am using them now but wonder now if it is a waste of money or should I just do all my disputes myself. Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Ok look at this from an intelligent point of view. #1 They are called , that alone is fishy, they already start by implying they can clean up a credit report , that may be filled with accurate derogatory info. #2 As soon as you visit their sight u are barraged with pop ups, Do you think that any reputable sight would let 6 or so pop ups leech onto their sight forcing the point down their throat. #3 they dont show any clear price schedule. #4 "cal for a paralegal consultation , yeah thats a 5 weeks course at the local community college, i doubt there are too many actualy people to consult, and more just to sell. Is there even an attorney on staff. Where is he lisenced to practice law. Did he attend an accredited US law school ? Finally check this out in my opinion if u call them, u are the just the sucker they are looking for, do it on your own !!!