It's been a while since I've been here. Hope everybody is doing well! My question is about WaMu Visa (formerly Providian). My boyfriend charged a washer and dryer on his card from Best Buy over the phone. The representative made a typo in his name for the charge and the charge was denied. She called us back promptly and realized that she misspelled his name. Best Buy called WaMu and told them of the mistake and resubmitted the charge and then it was denied again because WaMu said that Best Buy didn't release the previous charge and they actually approved it (huh?) First, they didn't approve it because the names didn't match and then they said that they did approve it?? Anyway, Best Buy again told them that they would release that first charge and wanted to resubmit it under the correct name which they did. WaMu said that it would take 24 hours for it to be cleared. Now here comes the problem. The rep from WaMu (American) said it would take 24 hours and then Best Buy can resubmit it. Fast forward to the next day, Best Buy resubmitted the charge and it was denied again for insufficient funds. They (Best Buy) contacted my boyfriend to let him know that the funds weren't released. So he calls WaMu and now gets outsourced and gets a rep (Indian) who says that WaMu mailed (now I would think in these days and times of technology, it would be an electronic transfer of funds! WaMu can't be that antiquated, can they!?) the funds to Best Buy already and that my boyfriend has to fill out a dispute form and that the disputed amount would be credited back in three billing cycles. My dilemma that correct? Why would an American rep says it would take 24 hours while the outsourced Indian rep says it will take 90 days. Who is correct and has this situation happened to anyone else? Any help ASAP would be greatly appreciated...we need our washer and dryer like yesterday!! LOL
I know the laundry might be piling up, but a few more trips to the laundromat will be much cheaper than all the fees and charges that they might pile on while all this gets sorted out. The "funds by mail" thing seems very strange. If you charged this with a credit or debit card, I've never heard of a bank sending the resulting funds by mail. (But then anything's possible, I suppose.) If I were you, I'd go to a WaMu branch and talk to a human, if that's at all possible. But, IMO, figuring this out should take priority over your laundry convenience for the time being.
The laundry was a joke, BTW! I've been going to a laundrymat for years! Anyway, I stated before it was the Indian rep, who probably doesn't know how things are done here in the US said the payment was mailed to Best Buy. I believe that more than 75% of financial transactions are done electronically these days so I don't know what they're doing in India! The american rep said that the amount should be credited back within 24 hours but it wasn't. That's why I decided to post. To see if anybody knows the rate of turnaround on a refund especially when the merchant said that they returned the funds. Confusing, isn't it!?