Regional Adjustment Bureau:EVIL

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Fosedeitch, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. mabacus

    mabacus New Member

    I think I located the correct contact information for Regional Adjustment Bureau. No one ever answered the phone but at least it's a start. Their voicemail options mentioned student loans and transferred Capital One accounts. My guess is that they overbought other companies credit accounts and are now so overwhelmed with paper that they are not up to speed on staffing and workloads.

    Regional Adjustment Bureau, Inc.
    P.O. Box 34111
    Memphis, TN 38184
    Ph 901-382-0250
    Fax 901 435-4880
  2. robocop3

    robocop3 New Member

    I had the same problem, but I got a little bit further with them then the previous posts. I started a new thread just about the RAB CLC payment problem: RAB takeover of CLC Credit Card in the credit talk section.

    REDNECK New Member

    I can't afford to pay off this CLC credit card which is solely in my wife's name who has no income nor assets. I paid all billed charges and intend to fully reserve my rights under the Fair Credit Billing Act. RAB will either "play ball" and resolve this in a fair manner or they will get nothing but a middle finger and a Cease and Desist Letter and eat a $1200 debt. My understanding is that payment on a credit card account cannot be charged a service fee to pay online effective 2/22/2010. This situation is either a class action lawsuit or regulatory sanction just waiting to happen.

  4. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    If you got turned over to a debt collector it is a bit too late to be worrying about getting a black mark on your credit.
    I would not be concerned about that either. If they want their money they will undoubtedly contact you. Best pull that credit report and see if they are in it or not. If they are then you need to ask what permissible purpose they have for being there.
    The best thing to do about it is nothing at all except pull those credit reports and keep on pulling them every month. Keep them in a nice safe place so you can refer to them later. The worst thing you can do is pay them anything at all.
  5. David44

    David44 New Member

    File Complaint against Regional Adjustment Bureau (RAB, Inc)

    If you are being harrassed by Regional Adjustment Bureau (RAB inc.), you may file a complaint against them. Call the Collector Complaint Hotline at (800) 379-0688. File just one complaint and they typically scrub you from their list of debtors.
  6. collector4

    collector4 New Member

    They are two seperate companies, and are in no way involved with each other.
  7. collector4

    collector4 New Member

    They are two seperate companies, and are in no way tied at all.
  8. collector4

    collector4 New Member

    They DO NOT buy debt!!! They are NOT debt buyers!
  9. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    How interesting! "Collector4" is a newbie, but in major defense mode for Regional Adjustment Bureau & revived a topic from 2004 !
  10. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    That no one has touched since 2009. And answering things that the OP had posted on the first page.

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