How many points will removing a tax lien; that was released over one year ago, add to your credit score?
Actually, removing a paid tax lien will probably hurt your score. The issue is the date filed; which is usually old on a tax lien. This old date adds "history" to your file. In my case, my worst FICO is for Equifax, which does not have the lien listed. I "lose" a lot of "history" because of this, and hence a lower score!! But, outside of that, all other things being equal, you would probably pick up 20-30 points, if you somehow managed to maintain the credit history length.
If a state tax lien is approaching two years old but not really showing as paid on the reports, is it worth it to dispute them or at least get them shown as paid? Would that "re-age" them?
Re: Re: Released IRS Tax Lien I have positive closed accounts that are older so I would think if I can prove cause for removal I would be better off.
Re: Re: Re: Released IRS Tax Lien I agree.but what cause for removal are you claiming?????????? ??????? ????????????????????
Re: Re: Re: Re: Released IRS Tax Lien The first cause is that the actual amount of the lien was paid off in 1997 and only penalties were paid beyond that. I have a printout from the IRS showing that. I also would like to see if procedures were followed when the lien was filed, from what I have read I don't think they were.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Released IRS Tax Lien I had a Sales Tax ID in the state I live in. I closed my account, but the state did not close it properly. They estimated quartly bills and then filed tax liens. When I discovered this, I contacted the state sales tax division and they released the liens. So all these liens at $100's of dollars each are on record with the dates they were placed and the dates "paid" and "released", even though I never paid them. There was nothing to pay! All 3 CRA's are reporting these. I have disputed via CRR several times w/o success. I sent a CRR letter to the state demanding they validate or correct my record and have not heard anything from them. It's been 2-3 months now. I'm getting ready to send all copies of CRR disputes that I had sent both to the CRA's and the state, to the CRA's again, demanding removal due to items not being validated. To my knowledge, after the disputes, the CRA's did not even list the items as disputed. Any other ideas would be appreciated. Thanks, MAG
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Released IRS Tax Lien So now your credit is trashed and your scores are hosed Over non existent taxes and bogus liens. Oh Credit reporting and scoring I love it I love it I love it.Don't you??