this one is 4 you JAM all your suggestions regarding the " priority " handling issue finally paid off . I recvd a response from the AG recently and all of a sudden I am not in that dept any longer with either TU or Exp ! hmm makes one wonder , what power and influence can actually do. now all the problems seemed to have magically disappeared all at once imagine that ! whatever the reason I am greatful for the outcome & resolution. were you able to obtain similar relief?
Laugh... No idea if I am still 'special' or not. I haven't tried to call them, I guess I should give my "Senior Investigator" a ring a ding ding a ling. ;-) Although I only have her 610 number. But they haven't given me the results of my September investigation (if they started one), and they still can't find all the PRM's until they get the next letter about the issue. For instance, when I replied to the BBB, and the Senior Investigator regarding the non-responsive reply the Senior Investigator replied with, they 'found' an August PRM to CrediCorp, which wasn't in the October DENIAL report, *OR* in the credit report the SENIOR INVESTIGATOR herself provided.. But I received a prompt "the information you are disputing isn't in your credit report" response to it at the same time they un-earthed the missing PRM.
Jam, how can one get themselves INTO priority handling? I'm in a standoff with EXP who won't for the life of me "reinvestigate". I realize that it's likely more of a headache, but I'm also thinking that one MIGHT get more progress this way. I argue, how can one "prove" a debt isn't theirs if they never had the debt? What "proof" is there to send? Anyhow - congrats to you Fun4u2!
Well, with TU, I just complained to the BBB, and kept reminding the BBB that TU had not yet responded, every time that the BBB sent a response, saying we haven't heard from them, but if you don't get back to us within 10 days, we'll assume that they resolved this matter with you directly. EX, you may be able to send the dispute to the attention of that dept, if you look up their HQ (Orange CA) with the BBB. Of course, don't expect much, their reply to my BBB dispute was a combination of victim blaming, and we don't know whether it was updated or deleted, but whatever one it was, it was done in accordance with the FCRA.
Don't you love that--we don't know what it was but it was legal. Try that one on the policeman that stops you. Well, officer, I don't know if I was going 90 or 100, but I'm sure it was within the allowable limit.
Luckily I blasted that DF away with a nice little letter. The best escalated response I had was when the VP at EQ REFUSED to pick up the certified restricted delivery return receipt requested envelope; when the BBB turned the packet over to them, they must have writen one heck of a cover note, because after trying to get them to remove the account for 10 months, they removed it the same day they received the package from the BBB. And this was when the DF settled fraud charges with the FTC, and the settlement prohibited COLLECTION ACTIVITY. ;-)
Jam how long have you been in the PH dept now ? have you done anything recently to contact them ? or send them a letter inquiring as to the specific reasons why you are part of the special dept? it appears that once I sent a letter to both the FTC & AG I was removed. I did have an attorney in the past i'm sure thats why I was first placed into the Ph dept but I believe I remained there for challenging them through the BBB complaint process. I laid low for a few months before contacting the AG to see if anything would change which it did not it appears that the FTC or AG must have stepped in to resolve the issue. hope you are able to obtain results soon
Friday I called the main number listed on my report, and the LONG DISTANCE number which was listed on the non-responsive response to my BBB complaint. Since I didn't get a reply on Friday, I sent the you were supposed to have investigated or deleted these two tradelines by October letter, delete them now, letter, to the attention of the Senior Investigator. I've never retained an attorney, someone I know had the audacity to say that I should get a membership in Pre Paid Legal. ;p Gee, when I can write legalese as a second language, why would I need them. On Monday I will call the main number, and when they attempt to re-direct me, I will tell them that if they direct me to voice mail, I will sue that operator PERSONALLY for denying my rights under the FCRA to speak with a real live person when I call into the toll free number on my report, so they had better ensure that there is a real live person available at the number they want to transfer me to, before they transfer the call, and get them on the line before they transfer the call.