I am having a problem getting a few tradelines removed from all 3 credit reports. I disputed a Wachovia bank account collection that was Paid and Closed. For about 2 months, it kept coming back verified from all 3 reports. Finally, last month, EQ removed it. However, it remain on EX and TU. I even disputed with BBB and got a huge packet in the mail from Wachovia about why it won't be removed. Should I send EQ and TU a copy of the EX letter showing that they removed it and ask them to do the same? Would something like that work? I have an LVNV Funding tradeline that EX and EQ removed after several disputes. However it still remains on TU as a Derogatory Collection/Chargeoff with a $4741 balance. Notes say "Collection Account information disputed by consumer, meets FCRA requirements." Should I send them a copy of the EQ and EX letters from when they removed it and ask for the same? Same goes for a BOA/MBNA tradeline on TU that shows a Derogatory Collection/Chargeoff with a $0 balance. Aside from a couple late payment on 3 of my credit cards, that is all the negative stuff I have remaining! Everything else is current and being paid on time. I figure after a few more months of consistent payments and paying my balance down, my scores should start creeping up. They were are in the 540-550's only a month or two ago. TrueCredit Scores: TU 578 EX 614 EQ 569
Equifax does not care about anything Experian and TransUnion have to say. Experian couldn't care less about what Equifax might think. And TransUnion doesn't even know that the other two CRAs exist. No, it won't work.
from tryin2fix Havce you gotten a response fro BBB yet? It is strange how the same TL is listed differently on all of the CR's. If it was verified in one, why not the other? Most likely the deletes were just that someone didn't want to investigate (I don't know). It's happeneing to me to. If it is paid, it should come off in a couple years anyway, i think. And although it is still a derog, that alons should pull your score down that far, i don't think. Maybe there are other things that could help perk up the score too. Utilization? Not enough history? I know one thing I need is more variety. Have you tried a goodwill letter to OC? That's my next move for 1 of my accounts.
Yes, I got a response from BBB and Wachovia. I filed BBB after I got goodwill rejection back from Wachovia. I am going to try to pin one CRA against the other, even though I don't think it will work, but it's worth 5 minutes of my time to write a letter and make a photocopy.