Removed from CC but not really.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by morriganne, Sep 2, 2006.

  1. morriganne

    morriganne New Member


    New here so bare with me as I learn the lingo. I did search the forum so far and didn't find anything yet like this (but it could be out there).

    The story --Recently Divorced (like many) and had what I thought was a relatively smooth process with the ex at closing out joint cards. luckily we carried very little debt. Every Credit Card, except 2 (AMEX and a Chase Visa) had us completely close down the joint accounts and open new ones if we wanted to.

    AMEX let me me keep the account since it had always been mine and I added him. They removed him from account (seemed especially easy since we had different #s).

    Chase Visa Said the same. He had it orginally (when it was First USA) and added me. They said they simply removed me. No problem.

    I go ahead and get my own Chase MasterCard and start paying bills online. When I login, I suddenly can also see his Visa account as well as my MC. I contact him --he can't see mine, but evidently somewhere I am still linked with the card. Many, Many Calls later, Chase swears there is no way I can see this card on my view. But, anytime I login and I can see it...and sadly my Ex has maxed out the card, had overpayment fees, etc. I've asked him to close the account and get a new one. But I worry that damage has been done to my credit since somehow I am linked to this Card, despite chase saying I am not. My credit report verifys this plus two other horrors that I am still researching before I post on that (stay tuned I guess).

    Additionally, I received a call at work about a discover card I thought was closed, and that I am deliquent and they have closed the account (despite it being closed?) and reported it to the credit bureau, etc. And that I need to pay a min that day. I said I would pay if I received written confirmation of the charges. While the account was closed, our old DSL service (despite cancelling) was still billing the card, and discover was still charging it. I've asked Discover to challenge it/investigate it before I will pay anything. Meanwhile I am investigating with Earthlink.

    Also, The DSL was in his name and if overdue notices were going to him, I am assuming that I could be somewhat hopeful at getting this removed from my report as well? *I hope*

    I am assuming, from reading so far today, that I will have to write a letter of some kind to try to restore all of this, but also after reading, am hesitant to just fire off a note. I can prove that the Visa charges and overdue/etc were incurred post-divorce. I can show the DSL is not in my name. All good things I would think, but am wary of starting the process solo.

    Thanks for reading. I appreciate any 2 cents.
  2. cathyG

    cathyG Well-Known Member

    your credit report verifies that your ex's card is still being reported on your credit? what did chase have to say about that since they claim your name is off his account?

    did you have any record of closing the DSL account? i had a similar thing happen to me with an old ISP. luckily i kept record of the person i talked to and on what date i cancelled. i've been burned so many times by service companies that this is just habit now, i always ask the person's name and extension or office location.
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    I even follow up with a letter confirming closing, sent certified. Particularly important when closing AOL accounts, or other ISPs that are routinely paid by charging credit cards or debiting bank accounts.

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