removing a chapter 13 from CR?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DukeaK, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    Would disputing "not mine" for removing a chapter 13 from your credit report, be more effective than trying to get a chapter 13 removed by using the 7 year rule, Using the paragraph below in my dispute?

    The Fair Credit Reporting Act, 6 U.S.C. Section 605, is the law that controls credit reporting agencies. The law states that credit reporting agencies may not report a bankruptcy case on a person`s credit report after ten years from the date the bankruptcy case is filed. Other bad credit information is removed after seven years. The larger credit reporting agencies belong to an organization called the Associated Credit Bureaus. The policy of the Associated Credit Bureaus is to remove chapter 11 and chapter 13 cases from the credit report after seven years to encourage debtors to file under these chapters.
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Well you COULD dispute it first as "not mine" using the logic that "it can't be MY BK13 infor because MY BK13 info was scheduled to drop off after 7 years"

    If that failed you could always dispute as obsolete quoting the policy of the Associated Credit Bureaus

    as you have noticed, the FCRA does not distinguish between CH7 or CH13 and states that all BK's be reported for 10 years

    most legal sources quote 7 yrs for a BK13
  3. DukeaK

    DukeaK Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the feedback. Yes I have read quite a bit about BK and the 10 years, also know that most treat chapter 13 the lesser of the two evils, and usually use the 7 year rule. But I know the CRA's "dont" have to use the 7 year rule. So I want to do this the right way so I dont burn any bridges in the process. So I will dispute as not mine, if I dispute as not being deleted after 7 years, I will be admitting that it is mine. If that makes any sense. Thanks again.
  4. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    Good luck!

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