my student loans were in forbearance after I graduated. being young and unorganized, I didn't notice that the forbearance period had ended, and I didn't receive anything in the mail so I had several months of nonpayment. my student loans are in perfect order now. I pay them like clockwork. I wonder if there's a way to remove those late payments and keep the tradeline? I asked the student loan servicing company to remove them but they refused. Can I have them removed via the CRA directly? Thanks
As long as they're accurate, probably not. However, as far as my understanding of FICO goes, late payments are more or less ignored after the 24-month mark. They may be noticed, but most loan officers probably won't care (as long as you have a good payment history after that) and I think the FICO weight will be too low to be relevant.
Sparq is right most lenders do not care greater than 24 months but it may be worth your time and effort to call the company reporting the data and explain your situation and if you are a good paying customer they may remove them.