I have noticed a negative tradelineon two of my reports which reports several lates. However, I know that this company is no longer in business. It isn't scheduled to fall off until 2006. Should I dispute as not mine with the CRB? Thanks.
Well, if they don't exist, how can they report... Technically, there is a chance that the account could still be verified, if the company went out of business in BK, there would be *SOMEONE* who is handling their dissolution, etc. There is no harm in trying. Is there an address for them listed on your credit report? If so, it may help if you send a dispute to them, marked return service requested (CMRRR as well); the goal is to get the letter mailed to the 'defunct' address returned to sender, so you have evidence that the data furnisher is no longer at the address provided by the CRA.
it is showing last reported date of 1999. So I beleive that is why it is still on my credit report. Thanks
I dunno about that. What if they were taken over and the letter is forwarded by the P.O.? Now there is a letter someone must respond to and they might be conscientious enough to dig up the file. Even if the old company is in BK there is a good chance the records are non-existent or not accessible. Companies like that are really disorganized. I think disputing as "Not Mine" to start with the CR has a good chance of working. I tried that myself 2 months ago and it worked for a company that went belly up but was bought by a new owner.