
Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by lbrown59, Apr 22, 2002.

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  1. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*I included them in the first line of my first post on the thread.
    Type of property had no effect.
    2*This is another myth.
  2. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Why would it irritate you?None of the 8 examples were directed at you were they?
  3. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    Case 1 - If they owed rent to you or had a lease you could have taken them to court.

    Case 2 - Why were utilities not separate from the rent amount?

    Case 3 - Why would you let a tenant get behind on rent for 90 days? After 30 and I would have kicked their arse out.

    Case 4 - This is called the price of doing business. Each transaction does not guarantee a profit.

    Case 5 - Again, the price of doing business.

    Case 6 - Your loss. Not the tenants fault.

    Case 7 - You could have sold the appliances.

    I am afraid I don't understand what you're trying to state with this post. Is it that all renters are scum? Or just the ones you rent to? There are many good tenants out there and there are also decent landlords, but renting is a business and like any business there is profit and loss. I would be curious on some of the decent tenants you had. I didn't see any mention of them. For someone (you) who has rented for 37 years and had only seven bad cases (some not even the tenants fault) - I'll say you're doing pretty good.


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    "COST OF DOING BUSINESS" is a very good point...

    UTILITIES should be "OUT-SIDE" rent...they should pay their own...
  5. romanduv

    romanduv Well-Known Member

    What are you taking lbrown? (and can i have some of that stash?)

    We, the Renter people of Rentland, strongly condemn these action by rogue members of our secret sect. We will put more money in to our Renter Police to deal with this problem. The Renter Police will apprehend these trailer renters and force them to buy houses, thereby removing them from our order.

    president of Rentland.
  6. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    Five and I don't purchase or rent out substandard properties. Nor did I suggest that the costs of doing business (ie: maintaining my investment), was my tenant's responsibility.

    If you shut off my family's water, I'd have sued your posterior so fast that your head would still be spinning. This is an ILLEGAL act by an abusive landlord. You know, like your teacher used to say, "If all of the other kids don't like you, the problem isn't all the other kids."

  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*It if you don't see it I can't help it.
    Is It required that I do?
    2*Anyone with any common sense can see that it is.
    3*The issue is not about my score.Also where did you come up with the charge offs.
    4*How do you figure that when they moved 2 weeks after the new gas line was installed ???
    No wonder you don't understand what I say you don't pay attention to what you read!
    5* Nobody asked them to.
    6*so how does having to repair a gas line make one a slumlord?
    7*Doesn't prove a thing a landlord is not obligated to rent a house.

  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    Do you do this so you can see how fast the responses turn the thread green?

  9. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    I'm preparing to rent out the 4 br, 2.5 bath. 2500 sq ft house I live in now. Yes, I'm pulling credit checks to see what shape the renter is in. With their consent and permission. I'm also pulling police reports on evryone over 18 in the household. Again, with their consent and permission.

    I have no urge to be like our friends whose house has been in DEA custody for 14 months. The tenant sold drugs out of their property and the DEA seized the house. Guess what? They can't rent it out but they still have a responsibility to make their mortgage payment.

  10. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    Donate them to charity. They come and pick 'em up and refurbish them. Then they give you a receipt for your taxes because you were charitable.


  11. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    It annoys me, lbrown, because I am still a renter and your post made a generalization that was directed at ALL renters in general. Why would I NOT be annoyed.

    I'll second that other response - If all of the other kids don't like you, the problem isn't with all of the other kids.
  12. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    It is now but it wasn't back when this happened.
    I told the guy if the pump was disconnected from the meter he wouldn't have any water but he insisted that it be removed.
    He wasan't happy if the pump was connected and he wasn't happy if it wasn't connected.
    What in the heck was I supposed to do to resolve this for him?

  13. jamie

    jamie Well-Known Member

    Hi all! I guess I stirred up a hornets nest when I asked my original question in the Landlord thread. Which, by the way, had to do with credit. I was concerened that all those inquiries would ruin his credit score.

    My son lives in S. California and recently needed to find a new apartment. Around 12 or
    so landlords collected a fee to get a copy of his credit report. All well and good, but he
    when pulled all three CRA's, there were no inquiries for any of these landlords. I believe
    its just a raquet to get a little easy money before choosing a tenant. Should he go after
    these guys or what?

    He checked with the other "Landlord" bureau and still, no inquiries appeared for any of these landlords that collected a credit check fee. My suspicions were validated that they do have a raquet going on. How many prospective tennants paid fees for credit checks that were never performed? And how much money did the landlord put in his pocket before renting a unit? My son paid fees from $30 - $50x 2 because he has a roommate. Credit checks were supposed to be done on both tennants. lbrown59, you don't have rentals in S.Calif. do you? Looks like you were the landlord from hell by the way your posts sound. Didn't you check credit first?

    I see nothing wrong with pulling a prospective tenants CR if fees were collected for that purpose and that is your policy as a rental owner. But to charge a fee for something you never intended to do is down right unlawful. My son intends to contact each of those landlords to get all those fees back or they will all face legal action.

    Thanks to all who contributed to the landlord thread, but lbrown59 turned it into a forum to degrade renters in general so I consider the thread closed.

  14. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    THE END......
  15. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    How do you figure that.
    Go back and read the cases again.
    Didn't you pay any attention to what you read the first time.
  16. jamie

    jamie Well-Known Member

  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    THE END......
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