don't worry the new complex will always call all of your previous housing places to verify.. Actually in about 9 out of 10 places outsource your application to a service, which pulls everything and verifies the data. Unless its a small place, who has time to do it, right, and on their own. So they'll forward your (money) and application to a processing center that will charge like $20 to verify everything, pull the reports, etc, then the apt will bag any difference on the app fee's. Credit reports are like $3, do the math Good business to be in.
There is no valid reason for eviction. 99% of all people go throughout their lives without getting evicted. Thats like saying "Valid reason for a charge off", unfortunately, A very high percentage of people go through life without one of those too A baddy is a baddy, and generally if you've had to have an evicition FILED on your, you are at very high risk statistically to do it again. I've tons and tons of reports and statistics when i worked in datacenter for a huge management group(s), and people usually go two ways: 1. Pay their rent on time, and all the time. or 2. End up being a eviction bunny, bouncing around between various apartments.. One lady, we evicted her, she was section-8, had to pay the subsidized portion of her rent ($8 matter of fact). She got evicted for non-payment, and tried to get rent elsewhere, the poor lady didn't get no play guess the crack was too good to save up the $8. Really sad, the apartment communities lose so much money on people bailing out its not funny. Most states they lose multiple months of rents, fees for sheriffs, etc. Thousands of dollars easily. I hear some states the apartment owners can lock you out and sell all your stuff if you dont pay rent, that seems fair. Good luck, if you are REALLY set on living there, you can always make arrangements to work things out. If you have to pay a deposit, make them give it back after 1 year of on-time payments, They won't really give it back , they'll apply it towards rent (minus the standard rate). I did that it worked grand.
she must have been ON CRACK to not pay the lousy eight bucks a month. If she gets evicted, I'll line up some swamp land for her so she can build her own crack house.
I do have one utility collection on that report. However, it has been paid for and MCI refuses to delete it, despite me having a copy of the check. I mentioned that in my letter explaining my credit situation that I attached to the application, and offered to provide them with a copy of the cancelled check.
OK, here is a new one. Today I get a call from the application company. They tell me that they cannot process the application because my current landlord wont verify my information until I give notice. She is refusing to give them info until I give her 30 days move out. Now, what happens if I give notice and I am not approved?
I had the same problem about not giving the 30day notice... I talk with my apartment management they told me they needed the 30 day so they could plan to lease it out... I didnt argue and never asked about being rejected... I just assumed that if I didnt get in the other apartment that I would have to reapply...
Hey kel I live in houston also the north side in 1960/i45 area... Is this a real up scale complex? The apartment complex I live in currently is pretty nice 900 something sq feet for 750 a month... I have never had a problem getting to an aparment complex around my area and have never had good credit... I am currently with the score of 600ish with the 3 cras.... use to be in the low 500's... when I apply for an apartment I always let them know that i have crappy credit from the get go... most times they just looked at my rental history with the place i was currently living at and one place had me bring in bank statements but did approve me...
This is one of the new complexes downtown Shaolin. I have always lived downtown and love the area. Anyhow, I just bit my tongue, gave my current manager notice with a nice note about how much I hated to leave, how much I enjoyed living there but needed to move to have home office. Also asked that if there were any problems with me as a tennant to please let me know up front so I could be prepared to discuss them. Anyhow, she left me a message stating that I had been a perfect tennant and that they were sorry to lose me. We'll see what happens.
Update I GOT THE APARTMENT!!!! YAY! And the extra bonus is that my company is a "preferred client" of this apartment complex, so I have zero security deposit!!!!!