Sometimes a naughty creditor will just decide that a certain account should go into default. They will then apply payments late, etc. just so they can tack on fees and drive the account to chargeoff. The website is instructive as to the techniques and tactics.
(still) Another possibility... Don't overlook the obvious. Looking back at your info, it seems you might have paid these "electronically", perhaps through your CU website? Make sure the payee information is accurate, and double check where the CU is forwarding the funds to, and how. Numerous banks/CUs have had issues with e-payments not getting credited correctly. You will now see many creditor websites with a disclaimer that they cannot be responsible for bank e-payment accuracy. They often recommend direct account set up with their own payment system. It's possible that the payments were forwarded, but bad information prevented proper posting/credit of your payment. This would be like writing the wrong account number on a check, the processor would probably go by the account number, and not look at the name. So, review your on-line payment information for accuracy, just cover all the basics.
That's why I usually go to the credit card web site and let them debit my bank account. It gets to the right account, and I know when it was processed and what the terms of posting are.
Well after all the in put and thought we have a possible solutuion.. I will need forum help in the exact proceedure..My thoughts and concept are pursue home refi..They have stated with letters on current status to challenge the credit reports for loan possibility. I have 1 of two coming and number two in the "wings". Next contact every creditor with BK or PFD.. THEIR CHOICE!!!!..If all choose PFD then with lenders approval put funds in escrow when credit report clears. Want wording that debt wont reage or come back. If any lenders choose BK we will send all other creditors the name and phone number of the hold out. The BK version works with the derog and reaffirm the mortgages to start credit over....Basicly just loose the cc.s...And all the suites coming. Other way has a clean credit and better mortgage loan. WELL??? Any input here? At least now there is hope. And a game plan...Thanks to all
After we get the details worked out I will get MRS Spell check to copy paste the red neck letter for your entertainment. Headwig We found out some electronic pmts simply went on to a desk for some one to post. We thought it was far faster and better to electronically make pmts...Not now! Not all! Biz Your assessments have opened our eyes..The problem will be avoided by not taking chances on "drafts".. As well this electronic age is such a can of worms... Flacorps We are very sure this is a factor here as well...Thank you for the site. Thank you all for your insight....The burden is not so great with your help..
I think I'd see what turns up with checking all the processes first. Some may realize that they had some liability for what happened and work with you for a settlement and clear your report. Get a few cleared up and go from there.
I agree w/Hedwig's advice; do your homework and make sure your "house is clean" first. This homework lends you credibility, and leverage when a creditor may try to "throw it back on you". I would wait on the "BK or PFD" ultimatums, I don't think it's time for that yet. If you have truly paid these debts, then BK should not be an option. Same for the PFD, if you have paid these, why should you pay again?
These debts were being paid on when statements quit coming. We would not send pmts to OC with out statements. If they could not manage our account with a statement ,How could they manage it with out a statement? We got our first creit report in many months today.. These debts are now in collections and starting to come to life. We have been able to salvage the secured loans with in house auditing. LOCAL cust service a must!! We have contacted cc's months ago with their inhouse auditing and were told it would take time.(LIES)..Currently most accts as of 11-07 reported closed by creditor..grrrrr We have avoided collection calls,waiting for audits.. We found fraud in one JCPenny acct, late -charged off, paid other one off last year .Now both accts show sold to another creditor...GRRRRRRRR Got a bill last week FIRST PREMIER...In our name.... not our acct and its LATE grrrrrrr I HAVE FRAUD ALERT ON THE CREDIT B...Guess somebody's in deep dooo And the hard pull on CR as well... GEEEEEZzz This cr is a mess.....How come there is no devise to clear our accounts when they get so *^$#@^ up? Now its 1 line at a time for all 3 and many pages of crap..GRRRRR Going to se atty tommorow...collection serving notice.. (overtime at work gone) Collection appears "botched"...Will see What a mess Thanks for the help...Some days we go up And some days down....This is a down day...
JUst got a nother collection call...Wifes , name B0A acct........ Never had a B0A card.........Nice....And in collection process. Aint this fun
Some of this (accounts you never had) sounds like it could be identity theft. If so, go file a police report. That's the first step to dealing with it.
Well good news bad news.. Took day off (overtime ouch) to see atty over papers served....He had no exp in consumer debt and was BK only! GGGRRRR told me my goose was cooked.....UUgggggg left there went to court house....News to me got 2 Judgements????(WTH) Went to CU.....UUGGGG Getting pretty low by now,but the BK atty said so n so does consumer law..(HEARD THAT BEFORE) call em up tell her basics..yeppers FDCPA violation.. her first words...Did I herar that correctly after 2 days calling here n there? YEPPERS and they even know exactly who and what Im talking about!!! HOPE!! After reading up here I was beginning to think this was all unfounded.. after phone calls to atty's. wasnt any possibility of help or acknowledgment of fair credit protection.. Now Im very glad this is here..Geez there are so few ATTY"S that even know of FDCPA & FCRA.. I had no idea there are so few in this area. Now to start disputing and digging in....Fraud ,messed up cr's and accts. Got some digging out to do!! thanks for all the help everyone
Well an update....Working with atty and starting do dig out from this mess At least we are going forward from this train wreck... When I can I will update on several key issues that are part of this board. Was reading old correspondance today and the pic is clear. Did CRA disputes today...Maybe roto rooter wont be needed for fico scores next month.
Sounds like you're going in the right direction, and at least getting some answers. Good Luck, and keep your spirits up. It will be a hard road for a while.
Yes, it will be hard. But you'll recover, things will get better, and you will have learned a lot of lessons from all of this.
Well collection calls now outrating personal calls two to one. Atty today refused suit on served, papers,(botch atty is getting sued by others)..Bk atty said too much equity, I cant tap equity with derogs on cr... cant qualify for repay BK.. Cant pay any thing besides basics..debt growing working 60 + hrs aweek..Keep getting un known bills daily(mine)...and finally getting ID theft calls mixed in collection calls. I just picture life long possesions going away....for garage sale prices..and happy to have a travel trailer home hiding in the woods.. Other than that xmas looking .....away..away way away Aint this fun...
Don't answer the calls. Have you had a chance to sit down with the credit union and figure out where your payments were going? I just noticed you said you got something from BoA and never had a BoA account. Did you have an account handled by MBNA? A lot of credit cards were issued by them, especially the "branded" cards, meaning they had the name of an organization on them. MBNA was bought by BoA, so all MBNA cards are now BoA cards.