ReOpen A Discharged Bankruptcy

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by BellyUp, Nov 30, 2004.

  1. BellyUp

    BellyUp Well-Known Member

    Suppose you went to the Bankruptcy court and petitioned to have your case reopend to take care of some creditor contempt business.

    When the case is reopened....a year after discharge.....

    Can they force you into a chapter-13 if you are making more money than before?

    Can the other creditors file complaints again?

    Can they review your whole case again and possibly dismiss it?

    What can go wrong?
  2. rondaben

    rondaben Well-Known Member

    No, repopening the case doesn't start the whole process over. Once it has been discharged it is over--it is a permanent injunction.

    The only ones with something to lose is the ones who you are seeking to have slapped with contempt charges.

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