I am curious if my situation is similar to those of others. Below are my credit scores. If you'll notice, Equifax has been very responsive to my disputes, but Experian has been anything but. 4/01/07 TU 562 EX 513 EQ 614 Experian is giving me trouble! 3/01/07 TU 562 EX 515 EQ 557 I am now building credit. 2/01/07 TU 534 EX 500 EQ 547 I've got a lot of work to do! 1/01/07 TU 498 EX 499 EQ 539
sounds familiar. No problems dealing with Equifax. Quick, responsive. Trans Union: Not as quick, not as responsive, but reasonable (more or less) Experian...sucks. What a PITA.
I'm a oddball, Equifax jas been a pain in the arse! Look at the upwards trends you got going! That is great! Quote: "I WILL buy my first home in 2008 (hopefully)" I love that! Tegleg
I'm so confused... I'm have fewer and fewer negatives (slowly) but the score is still stagnant, in fact TU actually went down? Ah, what the heck! At this point, I'm shooting for an accurate report first (accurately good, as opposed to accurately bad, that is) and I'll start fussing over the score trends after my refinance goes through. Because the credit card debt (max'd out cards) is drowning out everything else. After I get them paid off, I'll start closing accounts. My last credit report from the mortgage broker said that the things pulling my score down were: - AMOUNT OWED ON REVOLVING ACCOUNTS IS TOO HIGH - PROPORTION OF BALANCES TO CREDIT LIMITS TOO HIGH ON REVOLVING ACCOUNTS - NUMBER OF ACCOUNTS WITH DELINQUENCY - TIME SINCE MOST RECENT ACCOUNT OPENING IS TOO SHORT - FREQUENT DELINQUENCY - TOO MANY ACCOUNTS - DEROGATORY PUBLIC RECORD OR COLLECTION FILED - TIME SINCE DEROGATORY PUBLIC RECORD OR COLLECTION IS TOO SHORT So, refinancing will fix: - AMOUNT OWED ON REVOLVING ACCOUNTS IS TOO HIGH - PROPORTION OF BALANCES TO CREDIT LIMITS TOO HIGH ON REVOLVING ACCOUNTS Closing some of the paid-off cards will fix: - TOO MANY ACCOUNTS Going back to disputing the tradelines might fix (I've had about 50/50 luck so far). If not, waiting a few more years and keeping current will: - NUMBER OF ACCOUNTS WITH DELINQUENCY - FREQUENT DELINQUENCY Taking the collection agency to court should fix: - DEROGATORY PUBLIC RECORD OR COLLECTION FILED - TIME SINCE DEROGATORY PUBLIC RECORD OR COLLECTION IS TOO SHORT And just waiting around will fix: - TIME SINCE MOST RECENT ACCOUNT OPENING IS TOO SHORT So goes the battle....
It often is the case that as one removes derogatory accounts from their reports their scores remain the same or actually decrease. This is because although derogatory account tradelines are just that, derogatory, they do account for history nonetheless. It is a double edged sword in that regard. I would suggest NOT closing any accounts even if they are paid off insofar as that will only compound the problem of lack of age. Keep them open even if they're not to be used. Moreover, consider picking up some aged accounts through friends or relatives. Ask them to place you as an authorized user on a couple of accounts IF the accounts have been paid as agreed and the utilization is below 30%. If that isn't an option, search around for some of the various companies which offer this service.