I think if we all do research, report back with our findings, and share results we can be successful. I know there is something that hasn't been discovered. We can do it!
I'm with you Killer, let's get thess aholes. BTW, do you think PBM might be able to move this thread somewhere else so it's easily accessable, I don't want it to get lost somewhere. I think we are going to be coming back here for sometime posting our updates. Bobbi
Killer, I sent my CA a validation letter. They didn't validate, and it came off of Equifax. BTW, it's a $4000 deficiency UNPAID repo. I can email you a copy of the one I sent if you'd like.
Only the original creditor was reporting, but the CA was actively collecting. So only the original creditor was deleted.
mine hasn't pursued any aggressive collection activity. so it is still listed with the original creditor. that is one reason for me waiting to dispute it. i received a letter about a payoff settlement and that has been it. they were sending bills for a while but haven't lately. they haven't pulled a credit report either. i guess since i was getting bills, they re covered under fdcpa and fcra. we really need to carefully document results from various strategies here to see what works and especially what works best!
interested in specifics around leased cars also, because dh has issue with lease from Ford.... how can they report defiency on lease,,,,,, do they have to sell ,,, what is the deal?
I have a bunch of questions too. I have been looking for web sites to clarify this stuff but I haven't been able to find anything concrete. Everything else regarding credit is very specfic, the repo issue is so vague that I can't figure out what to do about it. Maybe it's time to consult an attorney and see exactly what our rights are. Bobbi
I did some research, and here's some of what I found: http://www.palegalservices.org/Community_Education/HTML_Brochures/repossessions.htm http://www.korrnet.org/klas/repo.htm http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/conline/pubs/autos/carrepo.htm http://www.mycounsel.com/content/collections/specific/car/
Hi Erica: I have read all that before, thanks for all the work though. What I was getting at was there aren't any specifics on what the dealer has to do other than tell you within 10 days of the sale. What happens after the sale? How long after the sale does it have to happen? If the dealer doesn't comply what are the remedies? What information am I entitled to? I know I read somewhere (I spend 90% of my time reading web sites now) the dealer has to provide you the specifics regarding the sale of the car after repo. Sorry about all this. I just feel better when I can see that there are specfics and if they aren't met what my options are. Bobbi
I think they have to send you a bill of sale, if there is a dificiency balance owing. Meaning, you oew $5000 and they sell the car for $3000 at auction. That means that you still owe $2000. They have to send you that information. I'm not sure how long after the sale, but I know that for a fact.
Erica: Do you know where the case law states that. That's what I'm looking for. Just some backup that will create a solid papertrail for any disputes. Thanks Bobbi
(Maybe it's time to consult an attorney and see exactly what our rights are.) No.it's time to write some laws on the subject.
Ok I've found a real lawyer who specializes in credit repair. I am not going to use him but I can ask him some questions when we sit down with my reports. Or maybe I can see if he will give me some advice on removing the repo. If his advice is not expensive, maybe I can pay him to be my legal consultant. This guy was recommended to me by the head of the legal dept at work.
Ok I just talked with the lawyer. He reminds me of a scam! He wants $500 and does not guarantee results. He didn't tell much of anything. He only said he looks for inaccuracies and disputes (dah!) He did say that he will sue creditors and CRA if needed. In my opinion, creditnetters know more than he does. So on to the next idea.