well after they repoed my car i never ever heard from them again no collection agency no nothing. but it still shows a 6000.00 balance which is what i owed when they repoed it... i am not going to run scared i think this deletion would boost me big time and i am going for it
That's all I have on mine too. It is reporting as a repo, but the balance due is wrong. I'm going to go after the CRA with this. I do know that they have to notify you within a specified amount of time as to what they are going to do with the car as far as keeping it or selling it. The sites that Erica came up with all say that. At this point, I would be willing to contribute towards a legal fund to find out what can and can't be done. I don't believe that we forfeited our rights when our cars were repo'd. Let's keep the brainstorming going. We are intelligent people, we can come up with something, I am sure of it. Bobbi
I will be spending Saturday, looking for all papework that has to do with the vehicle in question. i want to be as informed as possible when i begin the dispute process. i cannot believe they ahve something with my signature on it because of the way the financing was done. and if they don't have a copy of the signed agreement, it will be very hard for them to come after me for a judgment.
ok guys i found a sight which breaks it down by state it is http://www.nfa.org/rr_bystate.htlm maybe someone can translate this for me it is what i found for my home state il confession of judgement is valid deficiency is permitted but if debtor has pd 50% of the contract price resake bars suit for price does this mean since i paid more than half they can not go after me??? wish i lived in wis lol
Honey: The way I read it is, if you have paid 50% of the total financed they can't sue you, but they can try to collect it. What we need is a "Repo for Dummies" type book. Bobbi PBM can we do something about this thread it's so big it's hard to navigate and I have a feeling it's going to get bigger. Thank you.
Check out the web site of the Attorney General of the state of Illinois. You can access it through the state of Illinois web page. Somewhere in there is a section on repos and your rights, as well as info on collections, ca's, suing in small claims court, etc.