George If I remember correctly weren't you recently denied by some bank?? With a score like that what reason was given??? Mom
RE: George CITIBANK PLATINUM SELECT ...amount of credit we would issue, when added to your existing obligations (which includes outstanding lines of credit), would excessively increase your debt burden... CAPITAL ONE "PRE SELECTED" PLATINUM number of bank cards excessive balance... too many active accounts too many recent credit checks STILL WAITING FOR MY DISPUTE OF THEIR DENIALS!!!
RE: Credit score I scored a 5. and my transunion score is 625. Mom scored a 5 also and I think her transunion score is 560. Go figure. roni
RE: Credit score Gee, my FICO score is now over 750 since I paid off all my debts and closed a bunch of accounts, but my score is ZERO! Yes, ZERO. They suggested I get secured cards from Sterling Bank. In addition, they list some accounts as open that are closed, some account that are closed, as open, and completely missed other accounts that I know are on my TU report. This service isn't very good. You would be better to just request the reports from the bureaus directly.