Resisting Inquiries....

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by David, Jun 2, 2002.

  1. David

    David Well-Known Member

    None since...


    No records broken I'm sure...but looking to hit the year mark in '03...

  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I've had one in the last 12 months. Couldn't resist getting "Blue."
  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    keep on track!! your fico will love you. Join me and Kevinw02 and others to stick to the "no new apps till november" kick we're on.

    We need all the help you guys can give :)
  4. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Yup! Steady climbing!
  5. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    Sam, I should have stuck to what I said in chat and gone on the wagon with you guys. I think I applied for everything out I am definately on the wagon now, though. Finally got my brain to realize that I don't *need* anymore credit, so what's the point of having it? Then I would just have to keep it active and remember to use it occasionally. Too much hassle. Will wait a while and then go after the good ones. an aside, I called Citi for a reconsider when EQ removed all of the derogs except that account that has the latepays from 96/97 and they told me I would definately get turned down if I submitted five applications. (Oooops).

  6. luxury4me

    luxury4me Well-Known Member

    It really is hard to avoid getting inquiries. I guess I keep wanting to know which cards or limits I can get, even if I don't necessarily want to get or keep the new card.
  7. Rina

    Rina Well-Known Member

    I gave in yesterday!

    I was @ Macy's & was in a rush, but the 15% off now & an additional 15% when the bill comes got me.

    As soon as I got home I called their 800# for privacy opt-out, then I realized I only had the last for digits of my new account <sheepish grin>. So I gotta wait till my card arrives to do that.

    BTW, anybody know the usual initial CL on Macy's?

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