Resolving a judgment on credit report....?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by guitar333, May 8, 2009.

  1. guitar333

    guitar333 Member

    I recently got a copy of my Equifax credit report and was surprised to see a judgment on there for $3000. I am responsible for the debt (violation of lease or "unlawful detainer" per the case record), but didnt know it was filed.

    The judgment was filed in 11/07, but the date on my credit report is 4/08. Its been on there at least a year.

    I am thinking of calling up the Plaintiff (property management place) and telling them that I am reaching out in an effort to settle the debt before I file bankruptcy because of all the judgments I have against me. My hopes are that I can reduce the amount by offering $2000 or so to settle.....Also, I'd like to add the clause that they must remove the judgment from my credit report.

    Having the judgment removed from my credit report is my main concern. I didn't know the judgment was even on there and they didn't contact me (because they didnt have my new address and I have an out of state license.)

    So, is it possible for the Plaintiff to have the judgment removed from my credit report after negotiated settlement?

    Thanks for any help I can get!
  2. guitar333

    guitar333 Member

    Also, if it makes any difference, there are three people as defendants on the judgment including me. I am not the primary defendant.

    View Case Detail
    Case Number: 37-2007-XXXXXXXX-CL-UD-CTL Case Location: Cali
    Case Type: Civil Date Filed: 11/19/2007
    Category: CL-UDR Unlawful Detainer - Residential

    Last Name or Business Name First Name Primary (P)

    Last Name or Business Name First Name Primary (P)
    "PERSON B"
    "BILLY JOE" (me)
    Type: Judgment
    Date Filed: 04/2008
    Case Number: 2007000XXXXXX
    Court Number/Name:
    Court Address: San Diego, CA

    Defendant: BILLY JOE
    Amount: $3,086
    Date Reported: N/A
    Satisfied Date:
    Verified Date:
  3. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    There going after you because the primary hasn't paid,so if you pay this what about the other 2?
  4. guitar333

    guitar333 Member

    That's what I want to know. I don't know if the amount on my credit report is the total amount for the case filed or if it is one third of the amount. I don't want to pay it if it clears all three defendants, I just want it off MY report.
  5. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Can you contact the other people to find out,They will have to pony up their share.I'm afraid if they don't you might have to sue them.
  6. guitar333

    guitar333 Member

    I suppose I can contact them, but would rather find out from either the court or the property management place. I had a fallout with the Primary defendant though and I know he has no intentions of paying it. Person B might though...

    PS I noticed where your from....Im from Driggs
  7. jjgross

    jjgross Well-Known Member

    Been here 4yrs,I'm from San Diego or la mesa.Yeah but if he gets a judgement it will follow him for years.
  8. guitar333

    guitar333 Member

    Wow, we pretty much swapped places.

    I know the primary defendent doesn't give two craps about his credit and wouldnt have any intentions of paying it.

    Can I negotiate with them to remove it off MINE and leave the rest up to him or are we in this together? (hopefully not)

    If I pay the judgement amount on my credit report, how bad does it still look?

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