response from cooke @ cap1

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by allen074, Dec 16, 2002.

  1. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    Thank you for your feedback regarding Capital One. According to your
    posting on Planet Feedback, you expressed concerns regarding your account.
    Respectfully, Capital One cannot fulfill your request.

    Please contact our Executive Offices at 1-800-955-1455, if you have
    additional questions. I am usually available Monday through Friday, 8:00
    A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Eastern Time. When you call, ask to be connected with the
    Office of the Consumer Advocate.


    Eugene Cooke
    Consumer Advocate-Executive Office
    Capital One Services
  2. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    That's exactly the same response I received when I request a cl increase. I ended up closing the account. What were you requesting?
  3. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    im going to call him later

    i requested a cl increase and a % lowering

    my score is 125 pts higher than when i opened the acct

    i wish i knew who would approve me now for a big line so i can bt some of this 29% interest crap

  4. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    What did you ask them to do?

    Are you going to call him?

    Sorry, I posted before I saw your response :)

    Ask for one or the other and see if he'll bite.
  5. christi523

    christi523 Well-Known Member

    I had a 900.00 credit line. I charged it up and paid in full every month. I also had mid to upper 600s and they reviewed my report each month. I guess they didn't like the fact they were not making $$ off me. I explained that if they did give me a higher limit it would be an incentive to carry a balance. Oh well, their loss. :)

    Good Luck to you!
  6. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    when was your last limit increase?
  7. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    never had one
  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    My last Cap One increase was $200 for a grand total of $3,200. My last Citi increase was $2,000 for a grand total of $11,600. I've had the Cap One account a year longer than I've had the Citi account.

    I still don't use it. I refuse to go through all the rigamarole to get something from them, especially when they don't report the limit. I decided 3 or 4 times to close it and then I always let someone talk me out of it.
  9. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    waste of time... complete waste of time

    i just spoke to him... nice guy but not of any value
  10. Lori

    Lori Well-Known Member

    Do you mean you got no where asking for a credit limit increase? How long ago did you post to PFB?? Reason I ask is because I posted there last week. How long have you have your card? My FICO is like 155 points higher than when they issued me my first card!!!
  11. Brad J

    Brad J Well-Known Member

    What is cap. 1 doing to keep you as a customer?. If it is an old tradeline, I understand the reluctance to close it. Clearly, if you pay it off every month then cap. 1 is not making any money on you and is not in their interest to raise your limit, since you won't spend it (so called profit scoring). Doesn't hurt to keep it, but sooner or later, the point of keeping old tradelines open for the sake of trying to reach 800 is moot. I tell you that once I get MBNA and BofA credit-cards, I will most likely keep them for the long haul, I am merely using Cap. 1 as a means to an end.
  12. Lori

    Lori Well-Known Member

    1. It is an old trade line..Also, I don't pay off my balance in full every month..that is why my EQ FICO is so low..there are no negatives at all, just high cc balances
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    CAPITAL ONE~"Why do you want to close it"

    YOU~"Because I can't get a LOGICAL increase in my credit limit...$200 IS A JOKE"

    YOU~"The other reason is because you do NOT state the credit limit on my credit report"

    What did they give you to talk you out of it???
  14. Lori

    Lori Well-Known Member

    THey have given me NOTHING!!! THat's why I did the PFB, but have not heard anything back yet. They did combine 2 of my cards onto a lower interest rate, but that just meant that they screwed me out of an increase!!! My whole thing is I would LOVE to get a decent card and transfer my balances and be completely RID of them, but what card can I get? I agree completely with you!!! THe only down side is that they are my oldest trade line, but I can still transfer the balances, leave the accounts open, and use once in a blue moon...but where the heack can I transfer the balance to!!??
  15. Platinum

    Platinum Well-Known Member


    You may try Citibank Platinum Select...

    0% APR on BT for up to 12 months...
  16. Lori

    Lori Well-Known Member

    I tried Citibank through rooms to denied me:(..I think, it said something about further processing and I have not received anything back yet, but that was also before EQ updated my report too, I asked them (EQ) to send an updated copy to them last week...maybe they will give me one after all..I hope so
    Thanks for the advice:)
  17. arancer

    arancer Well-Known Member


    Try PFB to ask for reconsideration for Citi if declined if your report isn't to horrible. I had about 625 and was approved after reconsideration- high balance etc.., 1 coll 4 yrs old/paid
  18. thickman66

    thickman66 Well-Known Member

    Months ago..I asked for an increase too, but Eugene said no, BUT what he did do is allow me to BT over $4k to my card to get a lower APR on the payment. My credit limit stayed the same but I was able to get away from Providians high interest.
  19. Lori

    Lori Well-Known Member

    I have no negatives at all on balances are just high!
  20. allen074

    allen074 Well-Known Member

    there is one secret way to get a cl increase... change your address

    when i did (only to my po box) about 1 yr ago, they gave me $500 more to "help with moving expenses"


    too bad that now they are sock drawered... actually im sticking them in between some dirty laundry until they give me an increase!

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