Results {I think?} of a dispute

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Beani2Pnut, Dec 19, 2001.

  1. Beani2Pnut

    Beani2Pnut Member

    Results {I think?} of a dispute that I made without knowing:
    After sifting through my files I came across a credit report that was sent to me from Trans Union. I had called them one day about a year ago regarding a collection account trade line and I guess what I did with out even realizing it, I was disputing. Our credit report has a trade line from an original creditor that says "transfer" and then two other trade lines {1 a dup of the other} from the collection agency that bought the account that have the name of the original creditor listed in a column that explains what type of acct, and terms. The charge off dates for all 3 trades are 06/95, I plan to dispute in late May,2002, would the fact that the original creditors name is listed with the collection agency's info somehow substantiate the this trade line for the collection agency? Below is what the report they sent me looks like:

    "we have completed our reinvestigation and the results are as shown below."

    Item______________ Description________ results
    gives collection___ gives # ___________new info below
    agency name

    any corrections to your identification requested by you have been made as noted above. If our investigation has not resolved your dispute you may add 100 word consumer statement to your report. Your credit information follows:
    Your credit information

    The following accounts contain information which some creditors may consider to be adverse. The adverse information in these accounts has been printed in >brackets< for your convenience, to help you understand you report.

    >collection record<
    name of coll agy _____ acct # _____open account
    no forwarding addr
    verif'd 07/2000____balance$14744____Individual acct
    placed 04/1998____{twice the orig}__give orig creditors
    closed 06/1995____most owed:$11454__name
    __________________>past due:$14744<
    >Status as of 06/1995: charged off as bad debt<

    Name of orig creditor___acct #_________Installment acct
    updated 09/1999_______balance:$7417____Joint acct
    opened 08/1994________Most owed:$8434__pay terms:48
    closed 06/1995_________________________monthly $265
    >status as of 06/1995: charged off as bad debt<

    first of all what do you think? and to finish my question, with the trade line for the collection agency stating "verif'd" will they still have to remove this when I dispute these in 06/2002? I really need clarity on this, I do appreciate your taking time to read this.

    Thank you,

  2. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    They should both come off automatically in June. Sometimes they will take them off a little early.
  3. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Why are you going to wait until June to dispute these? Since they are scheduled to come off in June any way? unless you have a problem with the statute of limitations, I would dispute with cra's now, I had two accounts that were scheduled to come off in May that came off early due to disputing with cra's.
  4. Beani2Pnut

    Beani2Pnut Member

    Because I am afraid that if I dispute sooner than the actual 7 year period, that that will give these companies time to respond, or find me and start harrassing me. We are applying for a mortgage in Jan, 2003. We need 12 months of consolidation payments first to qualify. I am of course not including these items that I am disputing in June, 2002 in our consolidation program, and I need to be sure that they will have been removed by Jan, 2003. I don't want to take any chances!

  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Well, i could understand that. Why not look up the statute of limitations for where you live to see if the judgments are enforceable. I would hazard to say that if they haven't enforced judgment yet, they are not likely to now, however, as rule most cra's will delete items two or three months early. Check your reports in April and if they are still there, I would dispute,.... they will come off easy. I would take a chance now.. but I am a risk taker. Th judgment that was removed from my hubby's report was only two years old!
  6. Beani2Pnut

    Beani2Pnut Member

    If you don't mind me asking, What kind of judgement was this {what was it for, what was the amount} and how did you go about having it removed?


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