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retail card question

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by LKH, Mar 4, 2001.

  1. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Does anybody know if a Fingerhut charge card from Axsys National Bank would be considered a retail card by the credit bureaus?
  2. molly

    molly Well-Known Member

    They don't report to the credit bureaus. So it doesn't matter.
  3. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    yup sure don't I have one for $150 limit around here somewhere. Applied cause i was bored. Got it with my baddies no problem. They used to work at andy's garage sale website which had some good deals, i was going to use it there. Its gone now :(
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    They do report if you request in writing.
  5. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    I hear horrible stories from Fingerhut companies and Direct Merchants Bank and I heard horrible over the internet. Stay away from those peoples. They belong to the companies called Metris Companies from Scottdale, Arizonia
  6. Chet

    Chet Well-Known Member

    Newport News?

    Received a pre-approved Newport News catalog saying I was automatically approved for $1000 (not sure if they have a credit card). Anyone here know if they report?


  7. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Re: Newport News?

    Yes,Newport-news,Spiegel,Eddie Bauer cards are issued by Firest Consumer National Bank. I have their Spiegel and Eddie Bauer Mastercard and they reported to the credit bureaus.
  8. molly

    molly Well-Known Member


    yes, they will do a one time manual, but you have to send it in to the bureaus, they don't. It won't be updated, you'll have to once again send in an update.
  9. ShyGuy

    ShyGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: axsys

    Has Fingerhut changed its reporting policies since it was bought by Federated, which owns Macy's and Bloomingdale's?
  10. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    Re: axsys

    was it really? I have a chargeoff from federated, got a axsys fingerhut :) wierd.
  11. ShyGuy

    ShyGuy Well-Known Member

    Re: axsys

    Federated bought Fingerhut recently, maybe even in the post year. Fingerhut's credit problems have been a major drag on the FDS corporate earnings.

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