retained Jack Schrold advice???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by robin, May 16, 2002.

  1. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    Hi guys:

    Today I retained the law office of Jack Schrold to take up my fight to restore my credit. I know I can do this myself but I simply do not have the time. Also, two rounds of validations with little or no response two months later and a new job makes it an impossible situation for me. Anyway, I wanted some opinions on the law office of Jack Schrold. I read through the threads and there's nothing solid there. From what I can tell they appear to know what they're doing and they seem reputable also they've been in business longer than most. I just really want any info you guys can give me. Is there anything I should be aware of before my three day cancellation is over?
  2. Singledad

    Singledad Active Member

    Hi Robin,

    I've done a little research and they came up with pretty good scores from my point of view. I was seriously considering them myself. Keep me posted as to your progress. I am in the middle of a move so I didn't want to start anything for a month or so until I get settled with the kids.
    I have also gone about as far as I think I can without turning this into an obsession, which I don't have the time or knowledge to accomplish.
  3. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    robin, How much is he charging you per deletion? Is he charging you more for chargeoffs vs lates? If you don't mind telling us? Maybe some of us will get a little satisfaction knowing that we are saving $XXX. Thanks and good luck. Charlie
  4. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    thanks singledad and charlies for your advice. I apreciate it. I really wished more people would have stepped up to help me out with this. Perhaps nobody knows much about Jack Schrold? Anyway, he's charging me a flat fee per month of $49.99. No extra costs for deletion or anything else. I really think it's worth it in my situation.
  5. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I have signed on with his office as well. I've only been with him for about a month. His office always responds to my e-mails within 24-48 hours and sends clear instructions to my residence on what to do when. I'll give him a few months and I'll see what happens. 49.95 a month, flat-fee. If he's effective, it's worth it. Again, if you are short on time and resources to do your own repair, I think 49.95 a month is resonable. He's been around for awhile and from what I hear, he causes creditors and CRA's fits. If anyone else has any info. in Mr. Schrold, please pass it along.
  6. premeno

    premeno Well-Known Member

    I don't know about this particular firm, but I retained Lexington Law Firm, Just for my husbands credit report right now. They have worked on it for two months and gotten 4 items deleted.
    I've gotten 3 off his and 6 off mine. But they did get things off I thought were the hardest.
    I don't know, guess it speeds up the process, but I know its possible to do this on your own as well.
  7. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I asked this same questions about Jack Schrold's office myself about a month ago. I didn't come away with much solid info either I'm afraid.

    Here is what I did find out on my own:

    I spoke with their office on 3 separate occasions. Each time I spoke with a manager there who absolutely knew his stuff. I couldn't trip him up as hard as I tried with questions. I wrote down each question that I wanted addressed--there were probably 25 total questions. He answered each one 100% to my liking. One of the things that scared me about any of these services was the risk of deleting GOOD tradelines. You will see that complaint over and over and over again related to Junum and Lexington on this board. I asked this man that question. His response was "that would be a really stupid thing to do now wouldn't it." I said "yes, I think so, but it happens all the time." He explained to me in detail how they set up your account initially. You tell them which accounts you want corrected or deleted. Only these tradelines are loaded into their system with your specific ID. None of your other accounts, existing or closed, are even in their database. So, in essence, they have no way to dispute a good account unless you tell them to. Made sense to me.

    The specific point I asked was regarding possible deletion of a CH 13 BK. He said they do it all the time even before discharge. I know that salesmen can promise you the world, and not deliver a thing. For a flat fee per month, it is worth the risk to me to find out. If I am out $150 with no deletions whatsoever, I may be singing a different tune. Like singledad, I have been working on this "project" for 9 months now. It is starting to turn into an obsession. I now know the drill inside and out. I simply do not have time to deal with the onslaught of paperwork, copying, documentation, & management of this anymore. It is too much! Also, I think I have pretty much deleted the "low hanging fruit!" The things that are left are toughies. I told him that too. He said "bring it on!"

    One other point--This man was not an attorney. When I asked what his background was, he freely admitted to 20 years of COLLECTIONS EXPERIENCE! This guy is a hard-core collector, and he has that attitude and demeanor when you speak to him. I wouldn't hire the guy to cut my grass, because he seemed cold hearted and totally abrasive--I called him and left a message. He returned my call, and I wasn't home. His message was left in the most agitated voice "Be home next time when I call for God's sake!" Isn't that who you want to tangle with these agencies for you?
  8. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    I like the message he left you. Actually, they have been very nice and sometimes funny with me. I've enjoyed every conversation I've had with them. They sent back two copies of my CR and had highlighted what they thought was damaging my CR. Everything they highlighted I wanted taken off. They advised that I believe it was Experian would send the report to me and they advised to forward it to their office immediately once I receive it. At least from this point, customer service ia an A+ with them. I'll keep everyone informed of my progress with them. I've also removed some of the "low-hanging fruit", but there is one or two lines that I don't have the time to work on and a couple hundred bucks to have it done is a deal to me.
  9. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I forgot the one big question that I wanted to ask you all! Did they ask you to let your credit reports be completely free of disputes/letters/etc for 90 days before they began their efforts? That is exactly what stopped me from signing up that day. I had several disputes in the works with each CRA.
    When I asked what the reason for this was, he said simply that it was "for their process to be effective it was important."

    Anyone else wait 90 days, if not, why not?

  10. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    They didn't state that to me. They just asked that I not try any repair myself. I have a few pending disputes right now. It's only one or two so I don't know how it's going to effect them. The disputes are late removals and I have letters from the OC saying they will remove the lates, Target, Marshall Fields, and Kohl's. I just forwarded the letters to the CRA. Most have been removed. I also sent the to Schrold's office.
  11. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    If this keeps up, we'll have to put "low-hanging fruit" in the Creditnet glossary.

  12. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Does the company go after the CA's, also. Nost companies that I've heard of only dispute the CRA's. What is the timeframe to clean the reports? Hope it works Charlie
  13. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    That's a good term for those easy picking negative entries. It is my belief they only go after the CRA's.
  14. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    I asked that question, too. According to the person I spoke with, they only dispute through the CRA's. Anything else would be outside the scope of this particular service. It is not that they wouldn't do it. They will represent you legally if it comes to that, but additional disputes to OC's, CA's, etc are not covered under the $49.95 per month.

    Kozman/Robin, correct me if I am wrong, but is this your impression too?

    After all, all of the "low hanging fruit" is gone. Just the hard stuff that would require such tactics would be left. How's that Doc? My goal is to use that phrase 5 more times today!
  15. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    That's the understanding I have.
  16. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    LisaMc, Which phrase are you goingto try and use 5 times today "low hanging fruit" or "How's that Doc?". I just wonder, for curiosity sake, how much the credit repair places charge for the total clean up? CA/OC/CRA etc. That would have to be VERY expensive. Just wonderin. Charlie
  17. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Creditnet Glossary (Revised)
    Low-Hanging Fruit: easily disputed tradelines
    Unreachable Fruit: very difficult tradelines
    Way Low Fruit: errors in name or address
    Litigious Fruitcase: small claims lawsuit against a CRA
    Fruit Salad: using a variety of credit repair tactics
    Fruity Pebbles: a sugary breakfast cereal
    Fruitcake: lbrown59


  18. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Call them and ask, Charlie. I bet you wouldn't be the first to suggest it. They are probably going to say to try it through the $49.95 method first. Then if that doesn't work (after some predetermined time), they willl discuss the other option with you.

    I couldn't find a way to work my new phrase into this post! For me to use it, does it have to have relevance to the topic?
  19. LisaMc

    LisaMc Well-Known Member

    Doc, I am sitting here just cracking up!
  20. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    lol, Lisa :)


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