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Retrieved Crrr From Cmi~~~~~~

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by tea, May 24, 2002.

  1. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    First of all, I was very hesitant to retrieve theCRRR at the Post Office. I got it and it was from The CMI Group= Credit Management. On my CR Credit Management has a balance of $124, however the letter states the balance is $58.73. I called CMI to get Northland Cable Television's address or phone #. First they stated they did not have it (so how can they validate) and then stated they can not disclose this information. Seems as though they are trying to put validation back on me. So, I was thinking of Validating through Northland Cable Television is that a wise step or what is the next step????
    The letter is as follows:

    Dear Ms. XXX,

    My office is in receipt of a letter dated April 16, 2002, regarding the above-referenced account. I contacted our client, Northland Cable Televeision, and advised them of your letter. Northland submitted this account to our office for collections on September 12, 1997. The service address was (a previous address of mine). Northland advised that a payment in the amount of $65.61 was received in October 1999. This account still has a service balnance owing of $58.73. This account was opened witha social security number ending XXXX, if you did not resice at the service address in 1997, our client requires documentation and this may be in the form of a lease and/or utility bill. Once documentation is received your account will be reviewed. Also, if you believe someone has fraudulently opened an account will be reviewed. Also, if you beleve someone has fraudently opened an account in your name, you will need to contact the three national credit bureaus to dispute this account. Their telephone numbers are as follows:
    TransUnion 1800-372-8391
    Experian 1800-422-4879
    Equifax 1800-525-6285
    Should you require any additional information, you may contact my Legal Assistant, Kathy at 1800-377-7713, ext 8063, by fax 972-862-4335 or email kbeaty@thecmigroup.com.

    Shery Beckham
    Mnager of Customer Care
  2. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    I would just send the estoppel letter and then sue them. without a signature, there's no validation. Include the ftc opinion letter on this one about what is proper validation.

    You don't have to bother sending anything to the original creditor.. and a validation letter isn't for original creditors but for collection agencies.

    By the way, is this on your credit reports? if it is, pull your reports NOW. If there's no "in dispute" notation on the accounts, then the collection agency is now in violation of the fdcpa for not noting the account as being in dispute (it's also considered continued collection activity to leave the trade line and any inquiries on your report). Also, the ca is in violation of the fcra for continuing to report an account they cannot validate.

    Send the last letter with the ftc opinion...tell the ca you want the trade line and all inquiries removed NOW or you'll sue for fdcpa and fcra violations.

    you may wish to send copies of these letters along with a letter to the oc directing them to not only recall the account, but zero it out and discontinue trying to collect on an account that cannot be validated. Remind them they can be held liable for noncompliance of their ca...

    as an aside, if this old address is showing up on your credit reports... get it off (just dispute it) and it should come off. That will help you because it takes away one identifying piece of information.
  3. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    Sorry for not seeing the entire history of this post (ie. you posted something recently about whether you should pick up the CRRR), but is this account REALLY valid? If so....just pay the $58.73, for cryin' out loud...

    If it is really NOT your account, then proceed with your fight/crusade...

    I just think the wasted "effort" to continue this fight over $58 is just "frivolous" IMHO.... sheesh...

    Afterwards, if it shows up negative on your reports, proceed with the "normal" disputing process...
  4. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    wow. we're all entitled to opinions... but really. That's some bad advice for this person.

    Without validation there's no legal reason to pay a collection account. Additionally, an account that's reported onto the bureaus will have a recent date of last activity and will TANK this person's score (regardless of whether it's a debt for $58 or $58000). THis is one of those issues where Congress has considered excluding debts under 100 from being reported as these little debts can ruin a score...

    and paying this without full removal will drop the score 50 points or more. Even if there is an agreement to pay, it should only be with full deletion. And frankly, if they're violating the fdcpa and fcra, this person can get compensated for the ca errors.

    without a full accounting of what the debt is, why should anyone pay it? Some of the worst billing errors happen in utilities and in hospital bills. So asking for proof of the debt is being responsible. The "trust me" answer to how an account is supposedly owed is ridiculous.

    otherwise, you get dumb scenarios like...

    Ok: Ted: you owed me $150 5 years ago. No I don't have your signature and I can't give you a full accounting of the debt including all the history... but it was for advice and you paid me 75 so you now owe me 75 plus 30 in fees... so please cough up 105 right now... trust me, it's right. and for this, I'll screw your fico score for the next 24 mos... and the only reason you're even talking with me is because I'm blemishing your credit now... without even having to have proof of the debt before putting it on your file..

    guilty until proven innocent. dumb.

    This person does not have to prove it's not their debt, the oc and ca have to prove it is... all the while the account dings this person's file... and if/when it's proven as an error, the ca will drag their feet removing the trade line...
  5. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    I agree Marie.
  6. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    Thanks everybody for the advice and info. The account is valid. But what about the $124 the CA is trying to collect (which is on my CR)...isn't that some type of violation if the actual amount I owe is $58.73 (stated by the CA themselves)???

    And what about some type of settlement. I know it is $58 not alot to some people but it is alot to ME. I am on a budget.
  7. tea

    tea Well-Known Member

    Confused on what to do......
  8. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    yes, that is a violation and you should keep that letter for evidence when you sue them. you don;t owe 124.00 you might owe 58.00 but they can't prove it. the credit report is supposed to be 100% accurate.
  9. ted75

    ted75 Well-Known Member

    First of all, it would have been courteous of Tea to include a reference link or brief summary of her history to this particular thread...As I stated previously, I was not aware of the whole story.

    Secondly, Marie, you are preachin' to the choir regarding the laws and implications associated with the FDCPA and FCRA... It's all we've got been us and the ravenous bill collectors/CRAs....

    Lastly, I assumed this was a "recent" collection/debt which makes it possible to be resolved before any further actions are needed by the CA/OC. Therefore, it would be a waste of resources (ie. time and money) to continue to fight a measly $58 bill which could easily be negotiated off...

    So....where is the original thread???
  10. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    1*paying this without full removal will drop the score 50 points or more. Even if there is an agreement to pay, it should only be with full deletion.

    2*Some of the worst billing errors happen in utilities.

    3*Ok: Ted: you owed me $150 5 years ago. No I don't have your signature and I can't give you a full accounting of the debt including all the history... but it was for advice and you paid me 75 so you now owe me 75 plus 30 in fees... so please cough up 105 right now... trust me, it's right. and for this, I'll screw your fico score for the next 24 mos... and the only reason you're even talking with me is because I'm blemishing your credit now... without even having to have proof of the debt before putting it on your file..

    guilty until proven innocent. dumb.

    4*This person does not have to prove it's not their debt, the oc and ca have to prove it is... all the while the account dings this person's file... and if/when it's proven as an error, the ca will drag their feet removing the trade line...
    1*No it shouldn't be deleted because they are treating the consumer properly and he don't deserve any reward, or so DOCK says.
    2*Don't they though?!
    The phone co charged me $75.00 for five checks that they claimed were returned. Only problem is I still have the original checks which have never been used issued or ever given to them.I sent them copies of the 5 blank original checks that they charged me the 75 bucks on.The 75 dollar bogus charge still remains on my account balance!.
    The gas company switched me over from my gas supplier because of non payment of the account.Took me almost 2 years to get them to credit about 10 checks that totaled over $250 that they had failed to credit.The account was actually over paid when they switched my supplier but I am still stuck with a supplier that charges twice as much as the one I had.This has been going on for nearly 18 Months.
    3*This is why scoring is unjustified.
    4*This serves their desire to keep low scores as long as possible.
    P.S.AS To No.2
    The Gas Co. and the Phone Co.are treating me properly so I shouldn't expect any reward.
    Right DOCK!

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