RMA got OC to validate 6 yr Debt

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by backspace, Apr 26, 2002.

  1. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Well RMA Pulled off a Good one. The Debt had been deleted after going back and forth with CRA and RMA. I get this Nice Fat Package from the OC today, which i hadn't recevied anything Since 1996, so immediately i said Uh Ohhhhhhhh.. A Very nice letter where they went on to state "We've enclosed a copy of the "Original Application" that bears your signature ( Damn). We have also enclosed copies of your account statements as validation of debt.

    The OC is Nordstroms. Ok they also indicated that the Chargeoff or R-9 is correct and was written off March 9, 1997 The Charge off account will report for seven years from July 10, 1996, the date of the first delinquency that led to the writeoff of this account. Upon receipt of your payment in full, Nordstrom will begin reporting your account to the credit bureaus as "R9 paid in full, 0 balance". Please contact RMA to make Payments arrangements

    I liked the fact they cleared up the old disputed question of what charge off date. And it's the date of the first delinquecy that led to the chargeoff. So now i imagine the CRA's will reinsert it, but hold on.

    1. The SOL is past RMA can't Sue Me
    2. The debt falls off my report 7/2003, but all my debts that get to the 7yr drop off 3 months before the 7 year, so 4/2003 it'll be off

    I guess i can go the pay for delete route, but why bother...Damn RMA finally got one on me........
  2. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    You said you got the package from the OC...lmbo! Okay, its a technicality, but I have to chuckle. The FDCPA says the *collection agency* must mail it to the debtor.

    Sorry they validated, but at least it will be off within the year.

  3. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    LizardKing and Whyspers, you're both right. I could've sworn the validation had to come from the CA also.. I've been so baffled i've been looking over to see if there's been any slipups.... On the letter also it indicates a copy of the package was mailed to RMA also, so i think they were suppose to notify me? Nordstrom jump the gun? Also on the letter it states Nordstrom received a validation request from RMA on Feb 17 I didn't send the Validation to RMA until Feb 20 fax and fedex feb 21!!! So how in the hell did Nordstrom get any validation on the 17th. I've called to ask them and to request what was sent to them, but they are gone for the weekend.... I hope they've lied and forged something......Gosh i hope they have....
  4. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    The FDCPA clearly states ca will obtain proof from the original creditor, and then send it to the debtor. The Wollman letter also confirms this. As far as I'm concerned, RMA has not properly validated.
  5. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    LKH i agree, they haven't. I can't wait to speak to Nordstorm to find out what RMA sent them as a dispute on 2/17.. when i didn't dispute until later.. What RMA is reading minds now and anticipates validations.... I'm going to play the fact they didn't validate if and when i receive info from them, but to be honest with it coming to expire next year they don't have much steam......
  6. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Has Rma noted it in dispute on your report?

    QUEEN_BEE Well-Known Member

    Why would you pay (for deletion), if they legally cannot come after you for the debt? I would dispute until they get tired of verifying. And since they cannot collect, and verifying is considered a collection effort, they can't do that either. In my book you are home free.
  8. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    get the cras on no reinsertion notices.

    then when it's back on again, request another investigation.. TU cannot put the item description "in dispute" on their reports... their system can't do it. another cra fcra violation

    in the original request to the bureaus, ask for procedural descriptions for the investigations. when you don't get them... that's another cra fcra violation

    at that point, you have enough on the cra's to sue them for removal. or at least you'll get paid for their errors.
  9. backspace

    backspace Well-Known Member

    Love, Theres on way i'm going to pay it... I know when RMA get their copy from Nordstrom they're going to send it to me with a bullshit letter. I'm sure they aren't that stupid to think i'll pay a debt that will fall off less than a year, but i'm going to still call Nordstrom on Monday to see what letter RMA sent them, that's where i'm going to Bust Them.. It's not on my Credit Report from RMA they removed it from my first letters 3 months agao, but never notified the bureau it was disputed...

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