RMA has 1.25 hrs to answer (long)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sirrowan, Sep 5, 2002.

  1. helpwanted

    helpwanted Well-Known Member


    Did you ever get this taken care of?


    I'm working on them right now!
  2. helpwanted

    helpwanted Well-Known Member

    up and away!
  3. msbandit

    msbandit Well-Known Member

    I have to deal with them and would like to know the outcome and how to best deal with RMA. Any suggestions??
  4. msbandit

    msbandit Well-Known Member

  5. EC

    EC Well-Known Member

  6. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Sorry I haven't responded! I didn't even notice that this thread had been resurrected.

    RMA sent me a letter and I am looking for it now. Will post it in a few minutes.
  7. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    This is the letter I received from RMA.


    Renia M. Billingsley
    Consumer Response Analyst

    September 17, 2002

    Ms. so & so
    hicktown, Oh

    Re: Sears RMA Acct.#

    Dear Ms. so & so:

    This is in further reference to your complaint letter of recent date.

    It is the policy of Risk Management Alternatives, Inc. (RMA) to conduct all transcations in a professional, legal and ethical manner. We take complaints very seriously.

    I have reviewed your complaint with the business office that handled this account.

    This account has been settled in full.

    RMA has sent an update to the credit-reporting agency to have all records pertaining to the above account deleted.

    Please note that the credit-reporting agency may take up to sixty days to update their records. Therefore, you should keep this letter for your records.

    If I may be of further assistance, please call.


    (Ms.) Renia M. Billingsley


    As you can see, she didn't mention my intent to sue or monetary settlement.

    Should I be an absolute bitch and fill out a small claims court form and fax it to her? (hehehe)
  8. EC

    EC Well-Known Member

    hehehe... that would be funny. Or maybe that would be profitable?
  9. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: RMA has 1.25 hrs to answer (long)

    It would be both! RMA is constantly stepping all over people's rights. They deserve to get hit where it counts for them (their money).
  10. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: RMA has 1.25 hrs to answer (long)

    Does anyone know if the time limit for suing is the date of occurance or the date of discovery?
  11. sirrowan

    sirrowan Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: RMA has 1.25 hrs to answer (long)

  12. msbandit

    msbandit Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: Re: Re: RMA has 1.25 hrs to answer (long)


    I received the same letter from but it was from Westmoreland regarding the RMA issue. I did not list any monetary settlement in my last communication to them, just that I would be exercising my rights if they failed to response for the 3rd time.

    I am dealing with Midland now. They have until Monday to delete their tradeline off my report and send me settlement check for $2K for their violations. I sent my letter to their Sr. VP and General Counsel representative.

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