Rock & Hard Pl.after boards advice

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Wils0n, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. Wils0n

    Wils0n Member

    Disputed Cap1 account with all 3 CA. Weeks later I got a settlement letter from Northland Group. Since the disputes, they pulled my CR and I feel as though they will continue to do so.

    The guy I talked to was very rude saying that I should have paid my bills, etc., etc. He may be right, but not the way to talk to me when I called to make arrangements.

    Should I settle and pay? I don't mind if it will improve Credit score.
    Should I sue them for pulling CR without PP? (first would need to validate their reason).
    Should I just ignore? Then I worry I'll get Inq. on report all the time.
    Should I demand all Cap1 derog is removed before I pay?

  2. Wils0n

    Wils0n Member

    Any ideas?

    I was thinking the first step would be to have them validate pulling my credit report. (they say when I signed up for the card it was in the small print that it could be pulled anytime).
    Do you think they will have a copy of this with my signature?
  3. Wils0n

    Wils0n Member

    Bump to the top.
  4. phoenix

    phoenix Well-Known Member

    I'd send them a demand for validation. Specify that you want to not only see proof that you are responsible for the debt (as in the original agreement bearing your signature) but itemized proof that you authorized the charges contributing to the balance. Also it couldn't hurt to demand proof that they are authorized to do business in your state.

    Quote relevant parts of the FDCPA (can be found simply by googling FDCPA) specifically pointing out that collection activity must cease until they satisfy your demand for validation. ("Collection activity" should include them making inquiries against your credit file.)
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If the account is your account, and it is open, or closed but a balance is due, as long as Cap One owns it, they have PP to pull your reports.

    If it is in default and in collection, the CA to who it is assigned, or any party who bought the debt, has PP to pull your reports.
  6. Wils0n

    Wils0n Member

    Thanks guys!

    I don't want a lengthy battle with them, I don't mind paying the amount offered. I just want to increase my FICO. Any good steps for doing this (ie. demand deletion of negative)? Keep in mind, this is Cap1 and they don't ussually delete.
  7. TVercetti

    TVercetti Well-Known Member

    I posted a thread on how I got a paid delete. If you search you should find it.

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