roll call for anyone that sued a CB

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by metallicat, Mar 7, 2002.

  1. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

    Please post here if you have sued a credit bureau, and answer the following if its no bother

    1) Did the CB in question clean your report in exchange for dropping the lawsuit?

    2) Did you serve a local affiliate or corporate, and why.

    3) Did you include a settlement offer with your serving papers, or did you mail them seperately?

    4) If you served the CB corporate office, how did you list the defendant on the small claims complaint form. Did you put

    CB corporation name (ie transunion, LLC)
    c/o registered agent - name of agent
    address of agent
    city, state and zip of agent.

    Thanks. I think this will be a great help to anyone aspiring to take a CB to court
  2. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

    OH MY GOD! Surely someone here has sued a CB!
  3. courtney

    courtney Active Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    I am in the process of (maybe) suing Experian and Equifax. I sent them one last letter, and if my derogs aren't removed, I'm taking them to court and I've warned them of this.

    I found 2 items in the FCRA law that they've broken and they're gonna either delete or pay!

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

    LIZARDKING and some others.

    Sometimes they have a "GAG" order...(NON DISCLOSURE)...they can't talk.
  5. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

    1) Did the CB in question clean your report in exchange for dropping the lawsuit?

    answer not available at this time, suit will be filed mid march.... just sent intent to sue letter
    2) Did you serve a local affiliate or corporate, and why.
    there is no local affiliate in my area. I will be sueing corporate office, via registered agent in my state

    3) Did you include a settlement offer with your serving papers, or did you mail them seperately?
    I will be mailing settlement offer seperately, as court instructions.
    4) If you served the CB corporate office, how did you list the defendant on the small claims complaint form. Did you put

    CB corporation name (ie transunion, LLC)
    c/o registered agent - name of agent
    address of agent
    city, state and zip of agent.

    yes, my papers look like that.

    I hope this helps but I hope even more that the cra's settle and folks here do not have to go to this extreme.
  6. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

    Why would they possibly care what happens on an internet BB?
  7. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

    LKH & Lizerdking, did you mail your settlement offer letter seperately or did you include it with the serving papers? I included mine w/ the serving papers, I wonder if the reg. agent will forward it to the CB

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

  9. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

    I had my lawsuit served by certified mail to the authorized agent along with the settlement offer. The idiot authorized agent never forwarded the settlement offer and their atty didn't even know about it until I told him. After that, it was pretty smooth sailing. They tried all kinds of tricks like bumping it to US District court and asking for interogatories etc. until they saw the settlement offer. Then we negotiated a bit and settled.
  10. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has sued a credit bureau.

    Who exactly should I forward the settlement letter to? The corporate CB address?
  11. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    Ok, here's my info. I successfully filed small claims suits against all 3 CRAs.

    1) Did the CB in question clean your report in exchange for dropping the lawsuit?
    Equifax was very generous and did whatever I asked. Trans Union was tougher to negotiate with, but I finally prevailed; they left two negs on there, but those were two which I knew were coming off anyway and had said so in my conversation with them. Now, both my Equifax and Trans Union are completely clear of negatives. I did not ask for money during negotiations but instead settled only for tradeline deletions which was my goal. (Equifax score is now 744, and TU is 878.) I signed a confidentiality agreement with Experian where I promised not to discuss the settlement. (I am willing to mention my current Experian score which is now 732.)

    2) Did you serve a local affiliate or corporate, and why.
    I have a local Equifax affiliate, but I made a deliberate decision not to sue them, and I'm glad I did. Our local affiliate is staffed with jerks. I had a feeling that if I sued the local yokels, they would be more willing to actually have their retained law firm show up in court, and I frankly didn't want to deal with their bad attitudes. Instead I sued Equifax at their Atlanta headquarters. When I spoke with the Equifax national defense counsel, I was gratified to hear a relatively good attitude from someone who deals with these lawsuits several times a day apparently. Unlike our local affiliate yokels, lawsuits are old hat for the national guys. We have no local affiliates for other CRAs here, so of course I sued those directly at their respective national offices.

    3) Did you include a settlement offer with your serving papers, or did you mail them seperately?
    I wrote a lengthy letter of explanation and settlement offer and had that served by a private process server along with the general sessions (small claims) summons.

    4) If you served the CB corporate office, how did you list the defendant on the small claims complaint form. Did you put
    CB corporation name (ie transunion, LLC)
    c/o registered agent - name of agent
    address of agent
    city, state and zip of agent.

    No, I did not serve a registered agent in this state or anywhere. I simply sued the corporations directly (i.e., Equifax, Inc., 5505 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd, Atlanta GA 30374-0241). My small claims court does not require that I list the defendant's in-state address or a human being's name; rather, in my state, a "person" legally includes both private individuals as well as companies and organizations. It's my understanding that some states do have different requirements, so I always advise that people check with their local court clerks to find out.

    I hope this helps.

  12. uniondiva

    uniondiva Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    Really important.... please check with your court clerk for specifics around service and complaint. the requirements very widely, and although the advice on creditnet is great.... i would have had to refile my lawsuit if i had not conducted the research regarding my county small claims court
  13. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    Can anyone (LKH??) else provide an answer to #4? I'm hoping I didn't screw up the complain form....

    And for those that have successfully sued a CB, how long after your initial filing were you contacted by the CB?
  14. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    Oh, and one more question for those that have sued CB's...Do you have a phone / fax # for their lawyer and/or legal dept?
  15. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    Damn, I'm impressed. I have sued 2 and got deletions plus scores don't even compare :(
  16. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    Mine was listed like this:

    Credit Bureau Inc.
    bsu(by service upon) authorized agent
    street address
    city, state zip

    I sued the local Experian affiliate, so any phone #'s I have would do you no good.
  17. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    Hey Christi I just wrote a commentary about the credit scores in the "takin' a break" thread you started. It's the "P.S." at the bottom of my novel. I thought I'd point you there from here in case you read this but not that. Bottom line: your scores are poised to rise incredibly during the next 12 months.

  18. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    Did you supply the address of the agent or CB? Just curious..thanks
  19. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    The address I listed was the address for the authorized agent. No need to put any address other than where it is being served.
  20. metallicat

    metallicat Well-Known Member

    Re: A roll call for ANYONE that has

    How soon were you contacted by experian after you filed your suit? I filed last thurs and haven't heard a thing yet..Am I jumping the gun here?

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