This is becoming addictive! Now I am after Receivables Performance Management. They are a CA on Bothel Wa. They contacted me concerning a Sprint cell pone bill in December. The amount of the debt is in correct. Evidently Sprint kept adding late fees onto an account for several months after I closed the account. I disputed the amount with sprint and didnt hear back from them. Then RPM calls me and demands payment. I wasnt aware of my rights at the time and agreed to start monthly payments (scheduled automatic withdrawals) if they didnt report to CRA. Didnt get it in writning either. Sure enough, checked my report and there is a new collection tradeline from them. Now i am PO'd. It has been 30 days and I did not demand validation. I realize that they can now assume the debt to be valid, but proving it is another thing. I have since learned that just because the 30 days is up, does not mean that I accept that the debt is mine. So now i am sending letter CRRR demanding validation. Also I stated that as of today, they are not authorized to withdraw anymore payments. Now heres where I would like some input. Before every withdrawal, they are required to notify debtor in writing no more than 10 days before and no less than 5 before scheduled withdrawal. If they dont send these notices CRRR, how can they prove in court that they sent them? If they cant, thats $1000 per violation. Also, I need to find out if they are bonded to collect in Georgia. I doubt they are being a west coast CA. (at least I hope they arent) Theres another grand if not.
Wow! I have the exact same problem with RPM! I want to bump this and hopefully get some expert advice. My situation is this: Same CA, same OC. I have not made any payments to them. I was on vacation in December, my brother picked up my mail while I was gone and had the original dunning letter in his truck until March. Way past the 30 day dispute time frame. What can I do to get them to validate even though it is past the 30 day time frame?
since you have not paid, you can negotiate payment for deletion of tradeline. dont know if they will negotiate or not but it is worth a shot.
You can DV anytime. Just don't expect them to stop collecting, the consensus of experts is that they don't have to. They also don't have to validate. But you are allowed to dispute anytime. Notice under the FDCPA that even if you don't dispute the debt within the 30 days, there can be no assumption of liability.