Ok so the CRA's keep info on each one of us. Then when we apply for credit, the CRA SELLS that info to the creditor we applied with. Now theres always the option to not have or apply for any credit, but with no credit we can't achieve the "american dream" unless we plan on paying cash up front! So why aren't we getting paid a commission? Anyone? If some company wants to keep personal info on ie.address, SSN#,phone,employer, etc. and we have no CONTRACT with THEM saying "sure sell my info", shouldn't we get a slice of the pie. Ok now my next question... When we open a Credit Card Account, in it is says something like "we are allowed to report your payment history to the CRA's" However does it say anywhere on there that it must stay on for 7 years? So if we sign the contract with the CC company, does that mean we automatically sign and agreement with the CRA's? All I know is I WANT A SLICE OF THE PIE!!! Am I making ANY sense?
Well, yes, maybe we should all send invoices to the CRA's asking for our "commission" for selling our info. After all, WE own our "info" THEY don't! They act like theyre doing us a service or something when they're getting rich off us.
Send a bill for $50.00 Tell us if you get it. Then the NEXT one can try for $75.00 ... ... ... ... ... I'll ask for $9,000