I see my usual when provoked hot headedness is rearing it's not so pretty head right now. My issue is that Arrow Financial is on my credit reports and they reaged an old account. I have old Experian reports showing that it was to have dropped off my reports 2 years ago. Now my knee jerk reaction is to send a letter threatening to sue them and report them to the FTC, BBB, TX AG and any other acronyms I can come up with, BUT is this wise? Should I just sit back and do the validation letter and wait 30 days and so forth and tear out my hair in clumps over the delay but do it in the correct manner? I would rather go straight for the jugular than waste time, but I would rather err on the side of caution. Thoughts?
Do a search, perhaps via BBB or ripoffreport.com, and see if this is a frequent practice of theirs, or if any AGs have gone after them for this. If so, I would send validation, demand that they correct and remove it, specifically point out that based on your past credit report records, it has been reaged after falling off your credit report, note on your letter "CC your state AG", and send a copy to your AG along with a complaint letter referencing the apparent pattern of reaging. Also simultaniously file a dispute with the CRA.