Saar, all:CL Inc on new & old Amex?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by DaveH, Jul 26, 2002.

  1. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    I have a $19,800 Blue line, 3 years old, not increased in 3 years.

    I was approved last night online for their new cash rewards card, $2,000.

    Following Dani's excellent advice, I called Centurian bank via a CSR this AM to ask for an increase on the Blue. A polite woman told me that any increases over $20K require an inquiry, but that she could give me a "preapproved" increase a whopping $200 to $20K even. So I accepted (probably stupidly, as that will apparantly limit my options for the next 6 months.)

    (A note: both the CSR and the Centurian agent asked me how much I wanted, rather than telling me how much I was elligible for straightaway. I wonder what a good answer is when you just want it as high as possible?)

    Now I need to wait 7-10 days for the cash rewards card to arrive. I'm wondering, what should my strategy be to make that line as high as possible?

    I plan to move all but maybe $1000 of the Blue line to it, but with 6 months 0%, I'd like to make it as large as they'll let me. I've read that asking within the first 30 days sometimes works...should I try that, then move the Blue buying power over?

    Any related suggestions?
  2. Dani

    Dani Well-Known Member

    That is the same problem that I ran into. I would say $500 or $1000, because I believed that is all they would give me. I called a year ago and was asked the same question that you were, "how much do you want?". I asked her how much am I qualified for? She responded that she could give me $5000, anything over that and she would have to pull a report. I took the $5000 and just call back every six months. Last time I got $2500. I noticed the higher my CL gets the lower the CL increase. They get antsy when you reach a $15-20K credit line. Most of the time they want to pull a report, unless your account shows that you charge high balances and then pay if off immediately (based on this you can almost ask for any amount, under $25K). Anything over $25K they require a tax return for.

    The key is to use the card. The month before I call I run up the card almost to the credit line and turn around and pay it three weeks later in one lump sum. Basically, they want to see that you have the money to afford the credit line.

    Good luck. :)

  3. DaveH

    DaveH Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the reply Dani! Sounds like my experience here may be typical.

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