Saar -- Signing off

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Saar, Nov 23, 2001.

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  1. Saar

    Saar Banned

  2. roni

    roni Well-Known Member


    Please dont go. Especially not over my thread. Please reconsider. Bill is a trip, I know. But please dont leave over the argument between Bill and me.

    I mean we know he's old and broke without a real career. He needs this board. Just feel sorry for him and stay with the rest of us.
  3. mindylou

    mindylou Well-Known Member

    Saar, PLLLLLEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSEEEEEEEE don't leave, you've been such a great help to me. You always dive right in, and lead the way for everyone else to follow. I will be lost without you:(

  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Saar, thanks for all your help during these past few months. And this is an opportune time to thank you for the exchange of emails we had during my first week on Creditnet and once or twice since. You're a great resource for newcomers, and of course I hope you'll reconsider.

  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Saar, you will be missed. :(
  6. mindylou

    mindylou Well-Known Member

    PS Saar if you leave, who will help me get my credit limit increased with amex if todays attempt is a no go. PLEASE SAAR I'm begging. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stay.

  7. bbauer

    bbauer Banned


    I'm begging you to stay too.

    The way I look at things is that naturally, I love myself and if I can love myself with all the faults I have then most assuredly I can love my fellow man even though he may have a fault or trait that I may not like.

    You add a lot to this board and your comments are always valued by everyone.
  8. Jim

    Jim Well-Known Member


    Just like everyone else, I hate to see you leave. You are our resident AMEX and Citi expert among other things. From my view, your contribution has been outstanding.

    I have been tempted to leave since about April as my credit got restored. Eventually I will be gone. However, I stay for now because some new and valuable information is still presented here that is of use to me. - But mainly I stay as a service to the less knowledgeable people. You have a lot to share with others here even if you obtain very little in return.

    Perhaps you will reconsider your decision???

    BTW - My words are a little inadequate here as I don't quite see the precipitating incident that occurred as very important.

    Again, I hope you will reconsider!!!

  9. SisterGirl

    SisterGirl Well-Known Member

    I'm asking you to please stay with the team;your participation here is appreciated more than words can say.

    You always bring FACTUAL information to the people & this board would NOT be worth it if you were not contributing.

    Sister Girl
  10. author_22

    author_22 Well-Known Member


    Please don't go! PLEASE?

  11. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member


    This board is getting out of control!

    I for one would hate to see you go Saar because you are very informative and always seem to get the inside scoop on the CCCs.

    Although I respect your decision, please give it some serious thought before leaving, this board is so helpful and it really would not be the same if you left especially because this incident.

    But it is your call!

    Take care:)

  12. Bill B

    Bill B Well-Known Member

    Don't go!! !
  13. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    Your the resident legal guru! Your advice helped me find a couple of important facts. I hope that you dont let someone else spoil your input on this board. You would be giving in to something that doesnt really matter. Give in to the discussion group not to all the other hype!!!
  14. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I also hope you will stay and continue your highly worthwhile input. Your expertise and information has helped me personally several times and countless others, and your presence will be missed. I don't think any of that thread or those involved (not gonna bring any names up here) is worth losing you from this board, but I understand your frustration and your convictions.

    -Peace, Dave
  15. MiamiBlues

    MiamiBlues Well-Known Member


    I've been away from this board for several months and was shocked to read this post. Although I don't know you I've read the information you've posted on this board and found it to be accurate and very helpful.

    Thank you for your contributions to this forum and I hope that you reconsider and remain an active member of this online community.

    Best regards,

  16. Herman

    Herman Well-Known Member


    Please reconsider!!!

  17. dt

    dt Member

    Hi Saar,

    You don't know me but I've been lurking for awhile and have been reading many of the old posts. I have found your posts really informative and important and I think you really need to reconsider leaving this board.

    Further, Bill is a major pita (pain in the ...) and I agree with you on his redundant repetitive mundane marketing ploys. I for one would never utilize his services simply due to how he handles himself on this board. So you know my solution? IGNORE! It's great. All the taste, half the filling.

    Please reconsider.

  18. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member

    Saar, I would hate to see you go over posts from another member. As a member of this community for many years, I have seen many excellent contributors leave for the same reason. If you must, you must. I have always respected peoples decision.

    I would like to extend my appreciation to you for becoming only the second member of this board to join our program, hope you continue to be satisfied.
  19. BigH

    BigH Guest


    Don't be too quick. I have alerted PBM to the recent
    nonsense between bkev and bbauer. They do not
    get it. They are both so hard headed they will burn
    themselves out bickering. They will eventually be banned for their infantile nonsense. People should
    do the standard SHUN. When they post, ignore them, period. Do not give them any satisfaction.

    Saar, no matter what- have a blessed holiday season

  20. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Creditwork, I'm just wondering... Did Saar give you his permission to reveal his participation in your program? At one point you guaranteed complete confidentiality. Couldn't you have thanked him for that little tidbit in private email?

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