Saar -- Signing off

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Saar, Nov 23, 2001.

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  1. Shirley

    Shirley Well-Known Member

    Instead of begging Saar to reconsider coming back, why not ask PBM to address the problem that's troubling Saar. I think he has a legitimate complaint too but begging without getting this concern addressd is not going to help the situation.

    Saar's departure should result in complaints being sent to PBM about the blatant advertising and embedded promotions that appear in all Bill's posts. Maybe if that is curtailed, Saar (and others who have left) will return.
  2. creditwork

    creditwork Well-Known Member


    Saar stated in another posting a while back that he was a customer. I didn't think he would mind. I don't think I ever promised confidentiality, there is nothing wrong with being a participant in our program.
  3. marc04

    marc04 Well-Known Member

    PLEASE don't go. You are one of the main reasons I come to this board. I have learned SOOOOOOO much from you and I thank you because credit wise I have seen my credit lines increase 10 fold and a lot of it has to do with you!!!

  4. cariba

    cariba Well-Known Member


    Please stay--you have given great advice. And out of selfishness, once I close on my house, I need to apply for cards, and I know that you are a wealth of information!!

  5. Marie

    Marie Well-Known Member

    Stay and put Bill on ignore. :)

    Your advice is always on target and appreciated.
  6. Saar

    Saar Banned

    Amen, Shirley. I'm glad someone else said it.

    pbm sent me an e-mail earlier today: It appears he'll post his response tomorrow. I don't have to reconsider, as I've already said I'm signing off for as long as the problem persists. My guess is that pbm does not see things the way I do. That's unfortunate, but that's life.

    To all those who expressed such kind words on this thread and through e-mail: I'd like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. It means a lot to me, and I sure hope I've done something to deserve it.

    Thank you all!

  7. chelechele

    chelechele Well-Known Member

    Will see you sometime on the board Saar, I hope. Thanks for all of your handy dandy links so Chele does not have to pay full price for credit monitoring :) Chele loves is good :)
  8. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member


    I share your sentiments on the lack of ethics and the childly bickering btw Bill and Bkev.

    A vote may not have been the best way to resolve the bickering but it did meet our intent of raising the issue to the posters and PBM's attention.

    Therefore, I too will be signing off from creditnet. Some say no lost, but since I will be starting law school in a few months, it is no lost for me either.

    Thanks to all the long time posters: NanaC, Momof3,Roni, MP, Saar, Steve, Miles, George, and others, for their countless knowledge.

    I no longer have any derogs. on any of my reports and I am enjoying B+/A credit.

  9. matty61184

    matty61184 Well-Known Member


    Please don't leave. We can't let the stupid little things drive us away from this board. You've offered a great amount of advice to many people here, and you would be greatly missed. I hope you reconsider, but at the same time, I can understand your frustration. Please reconsider. Thanks! :)
  10. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    Our intent? Interesting choice of words... Who would be the other 1/2 of "our"?

    Reshod, Where do you see that Saar has a problem with me? His problem is with CreditWrench promotions, something you do NOT share.

    Unlike you, I think any loss of a person with experience is a great loss even if they differ with my opinions from time to time. It's a shame that you're not willing to spend the time to give back to the new people, but rather leaving now that your credit is free of any derogs. It doesn't surprise me however.

    Look who's leaving... people with more than 500+ posts... some with more than 1000+ posts... I think that is a great loss.
  11. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    My problem did not stem with you directly, it stems from the letter that you posted on the board to the OK Attorney General, in my OPINION, it was a clear attempt to defame Bbauer and his organization!

    Since you have perfect use of the ignore button, why not EXERCISE IT!

    I will not sit here and fight ignorance with ignorance, take it as you wish.

    I have learned a lot from this board and I appreciate the members here.

    When you speak on the number of post, that is a fallacy in itself. Its the quality that matters not the quantity.

    But we all have differing opinions. I understand your comments and concerns concerning Bbauer. And to a certain extent you are correct. That I do agree.
  12. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member

    Wow...those are mighty big words coming from someone whose been here for THREE MONTHS! I'm not going to turn this thread into a flame throwing war. I don't have time for that. My main concern is fixing my credit....PERIOD! It is so sad when people start "signing off" due to the bunk b.s. I'm here to share my experiences and learn from others.

    As far as number of posts is concerned, it's not about that. It's about earning the RESPECT of the board. How do you gain that? From devoting time to the board, by helping others, by sharing information, etc. In my opinion, Member since June 2000 means more to me than anything. I know it means a lot to others as well. Do you know that people email me all that time to talk about issues in private. The first thing they say to me is that they notice that I've been around for quite some time and they trust my advice.

    In regards to the vote, I agree with Reshod. It may or may not of been the best thing to do but the bottom line is that it raised the attention of PBM and others. Our intent? Do you really think that there's 2 people that make that up? If you believe that, then I don't know what to tell you. People are so damn F'n sick of all the bulls*&%! IT'S OLD NOW! There are a lot of posters in *lurk* mode because of it. I guess the solution is the ignore button like you have suggested. But can't you understand that people are DESPERATE to fix their credit? And this is what they get in return?? It's not fair. What ever happened to the good old days? You can't do nothing on this board anymore.....can't even celebrate success with out getting bashed. Newbies are posting for some serious help but yet some people are too busy with flame throwing. HELP THE NEWBIES!!!

    I don't want to see anyone leave. What I want to see is people getting back to the matter at hand. What this board needs is for people to keep posting valuable information.
  13. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    MP$40: I guess I should have registered in December 2000 when I started lurking then I would have more credibility in your eyes. You know why I didn't? Because I like to gather information and make my own decision on something that is so personal to me.

    I didn't have any questions, so I didn't need to post. Now that I've had my success, I'm here to give back... FOR FREE. I help the newbies. I read the questions and give my advice FOR FREE- IN PUBLIC.

    Yes, I've had people send me email asking for help. I've responded. I've also spent hours in chat with people.

    I think it's crazy to label my complaints as ignorant. I would only be ignorant if I didn't listen and suggested that I knew it all. Have you ever seen me post on a thread where I don't know about something just to pitch a business? NOPE and you never will, but we know who does that! I have zero experience working with BKs, so I don't post on those threads, but I do have experience working with many things including CRAs, CAs, student loans, inquries, etc. and I spread my knowledge for free. I'm happy to tell members success and FAILURE stories... those who don't learn by history are doomed to repeat it.

    Direct your criticism where it deserved... Can you point to ONE post where I was vague or mislead someone? ANY post where I gave bad information? Can you tell me of ANY law I've broken?

    You ignore the number of posts but bitch about helping newbies. What the hell do you think I've been doing? I've posted more per month since being a member than you have! I could argue that I help people more than you do. I help them by bringing the information to them and empowering them to make an informed decision, not one that is made our of fear or emotion, but one that is based on fact.

    The fact is VERY simple. Bill has been breaking the law. I got the little green card back from the OK AG on Friday... I'm happy with letting him handle it. NONE of the credit repair companies DO anything that you can not do for yourself. In some professions, it does pay to hire consultants because they have contacts with different companies which can speed or ease a process. That is NOT the case in credit repair. It is such an important situation, don't you want to have control over the outcome?

    You can do your taxes yourself or pay an accountant. Wouldn't you want to make sure the accountant is following the laws? How are you going to find out if they're not? Wait for them to close their doors? Wait for another consumer to complain to the media? Or take action before entering into business with them?

    Fact is that PBM did not DELETE my letter to the OK AG as Bill suggested. After the bitchin about it, he temp moved it to FEEDBACK, but then determined that it was posted to the correct forum are returned it to CreditTalk. It is a credit discussion and posted correctly.

    I'm sorry if you don't like it... I'm not asking for you to leave. I don't want to see anyone leave, but I do expect for people to allow other to talk and be factual/legal in posting their advice. Why could you possibly have a problem with that????
  14. Cadillac408

    Cadillac408 Well-Known Member


    Thanks for your response. Maybe my whole point is being missed. I understand where you are coming from but right now I am on vacation and just stopped by to see what was up. Feel free to email me and we can discuss this further. If your email link is on, I will do the same. We can continue the discussion further.
  15. pbm

    pbm Administrator


    While it is your prerogative to do so, I find it curiously uncharacteristic that you should choose to resign from this board to protest the actions of a single individual. Nevertheless, I sincerely regret your decision and respectfully ask that you reconsider.

    As is evident from the preceding posts you are a tremendous asset to this community. You have endured many disruptive episodes on this board, tolerated many obnoxious users yet through it all managed to continue participating, presumably for the greater good of the board and its members. Thus, the success of this board is invariably the result of your efforts as well. To walk away would be dealing a blow to the very community you helped create.

    Saar, there is a large audience here that stands to benefit from your advice. For every person whom you have helped there are ten others who still need your help. I am not suggesting that you owe it to them. I am suggesting, however, that your continued participation can help improve their quality of life. You did not feel Bobby was worth sacrificing that position for, but you feel Bbauer is?

    You stipulate that this board be Creditwrench-free before you will return. In my view the most practical solution is to put Bbauer on ignore. Doing so would allow you to continue your participation without ever having to encounter another post of his. If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it does it make a sound? It seems to me that utilizing the ignore feature would fully meet the conditions of your return.

    Irrespective of whether or not Bill Bauer is exploiting his Straight Talk membership for self-promotional purposes (a matter to be addressed in another discussion), the benefits to this community from your direct participation here far outweigh any of your differences with him. For what it is worth, I do not accept your resignation. You have served this community well and we are better off for it. Should my appeal be in vain nonetheless, please know that your account shall remain open and you shall always be welcome to return to this board. I sincerely hope it does not come to that.

  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    When you record a movie on the VCR, from the tv, do you WATCH the commercials, or do you FAST FORWARD???


    I just "FAST FORWARD", past a lot of stuff...
  17. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    How are we going to know when you are ready to start the suit of CREDIT CARD HOLDERS OF CREDITNET.COM vs. TRANSUNION, EXPERIAN, and EQUIFAX?
  18. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    You have hit the nail on the head. This is a collective group, a community of individuals seeking information. Those who have contributed useful information have helped the entire community. Those posts will be here for anyone who wants to search for information or ask questions. I believe that you have provided us with about every tool necessary to improve this community. People will come and go for many reasons, but I hope that no one feels that signing off is the only answer to their greivances. In Saar's case, it may just be too much turmoil and just not worth the trouble. At the same time, maybe he is just trying to make a stand for what he believes in. Either way, we must all look at each side and understand that there is no perfect answer to this scenario. This is still the most interesting discussion group concerning credit and finances, that I have had the oppruntunity to be a part of...

  19. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Where are we going to get another LAWYER IN RESIDENCE???
  20. MT

    MT Well-Known Member

    Sorry to see you go, but can understand why. I visit the board less frequently.
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