There is a collection information showing on my reports (CBCS National). I paid the bill in full to "original creditor" (utility company) about 3 weeks ago and now I am thonking on what strategy should I take to solve that situation. 1) Write a letter to collection department of that utility company explaining what happened and asking them for removing that information. 2) a) write similar letter to CBCS National (did anybody deal with them?) explaining the circumstances and asking for removing negaive information b) be more agressive straight away and send debt validation letter 3) Dispute the information with the credit bureaus as "not mine" or "I do not owe any money to CBCS NAtional" etc. "If Gas company handed over the account to Collection agency. If It it is their collection agency or they hired the service, gas company can fix the damage for you. If they sold your debt to them they have no right to take money from you as legally collection agency is now the owner of the account." "Try disputing it as not mine and see if the balance gets updated or verified at all. You'd be surprised how many paid collections don't get verified by the CAs." - So maybe it would be better to deal with the utility company, ask them for updating the information and then just dispute it without dealing with the collection agency at all? What would be the best strategy since the debt has been paid in full directly to that utility company? Doing these 3 things at the same time, being more agressive than polite with collectors, doing one thing after another etc? I ordered 3 credit reports over the Internet yesterday and therefore it would be probably better to dispute as soon as possible rather then in a month or something. Thank you in advance for any information you can offer.
i vote for "all of the above" hit the OC, CA and CRA's at about the same time. i guess that would be the 1-2-3 punch.