sam's club: good computers?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by marci, Jun 19, 2002.

  1. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Hi all,

    Pending a definite job placement, I will be needing to purchase a new computer. I'm doing price matching online with the major suppliers.

    When I visited Sam's Club yesterday (as a guest) , I was amazed at how cheap the pc's are there. A LOADED Sony Vaio flat screen was only $1899.

    When I researched more of their pc's online (, I saw that one can get far more disk space, memory, and features (i.e. flat paneled monitor) for the buck when compared to Dell, HP, and Gateway.

    I'm ready to fall off the wagon and apply for a Sam's card to get a pc. But before I waste an inquiry...

    ... I feel like I'm missing something. What is it? What doesn't Sam's Club offer that the direct manufacturers do? Is it software? Tech support?

    Is there a reason why I shouldn't get a pc from Sam's Club?

    Thanks in advance,
  2. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member


    The quality of computers seems to be good enough, but my only concern would be if they grant you a high enough credit line to make your purchase in full.

    I recently obtain a Sam's Club credit card via instant credit, and they only granted me $600.00.

    Just food for thought.
  3. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Um Sony pc? eewww. Build one yourself cheaper with better part and you can upgrade it later. Flat screens are cheap too.
  4. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Wealth, yeah, I thought about that too. This is Monogram Bank, after all. :)

    I think my problem is fixed, though. I just called my mom, who agreed to allow me to get a complimentary membership. So, I'm going by the store today to get a card printed for me.

    I can buy the pc on my AmEx and BT it to Citi (which has 0% apr for 6 more months).

    Kiyi - I thought Sony Vaio was in the upper eschelon of computers to get. Who, in your opinion, is the best all around in hardware and tech support?

  5. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member

    That would be Apple. :)

    (sorry to butt in, I'll just be on my way now...)
  6. marci

    marci Well-Known Member


    LOL!!!! You are totally correct! Actually, I am a real Apple fan. They are my very favorite pc. But they are so daggone expensive!

    Also - is the G4 (which I can't afford, so I don't know why I mention it now...) comparable toa 2.x GHz Pentium 4 with a 512mHz bus (sam's club has a couple like this)?

    I haven't owned a Mac in so long, I don't know how they compare to IBM clones wrt processor speed.

    Also, I need a Window's pc to move files from work to home and vice versa.
  7. techman

    techman Well-Known Member

    Please explain how you can build your own laptop?
  8. zb1965

    zb1965 Well-Known Member

    I believe Sams Club take only Discover CC.
  9. Hal

    Hal Well-Known Member

    I have an older VAIO and they are very good systems, overly priced and one of the major problems is they are rather proprietary.

    Much of the third party hardware available is difficult to configure and use with a VAIO if you can get it to work at all.
  10. Fat Jake

    Fat Jake Well-Known Member

    I've been working on PC's and "building" them for about 15 years now.. Today it's not the way to go. The big boys can put together more warrented value than you can shake a stick at.

    Dell and Compaq have been on top of the game for the past year. Right now GATEWAY has some offer to die for. 2 Gigs for $800!!

    Flat screens are cute but I'd rather have more screen to look at for the money.. 15 inch flat screens are not about what a 17inch traditional monitor cost.
  11. $wealth$

    $wealth$ Well-Known Member


    Just to echoe, Sam's Club only accepts Discover Card and their own credit card. Ooops, cash & checks too:)
  12. ohnostuck

    ohnostuck Well-Known Member

    They also take the Walmart card.
  13. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Marci to answer your question, I see you want tech support. I would go for Dell, Compaq is dead and their tech suport is retarded, If you want something that you can bring files back and forth to work? I would go for a Dell Laptop then. Dell pulls Experian.

    Basically I would build a system cause I know what I would want to do with it and I could upgrade it later as much as I want or as little as I want. As for warranty goes. If something goes wrong, Physically with the part, I always can get a cheap piece to tie me over. While the other is replaced or fixed. Most hardware pieces have 3 year warranty.

    As for price? It all depends what you want. Like my system I bought a hearty Motherboard $200, then added A strong Video card $200. 512 DDR ram $100, Box $100, $200 for Monitor. Hard drive, I have no idea how much space you need, but current an 80gig 7200rpm Maxtor is $80 dollars. The highest cost retail AMD Athlon CPU which is 2200XP is $220. Mind you this system will be a High End System that will do all office procedure, all the High end games, Anything out there or soon to be out within the year will be able to be run on this type of system.
  14. Svanderwil

    Svanderwil Well-Known Member

    I agree with Kiyi. I work at an IBM site (a contractor) and everybody there agrees that Dell is the way to go. You can get pretty much the same system for about the same price everwhere, but they all say Dell's cusomer service and tech support tops.
  15. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    Plus the 8200 laptop has all the stuff you can get on a Desktop computer, I mean everything, DVD, CDRW, tons of stuff.
    IF you want something to go with that computer...
    I have for sale, brand new in box, never used, touch, caressed or fondled. HP Digital Photo Starter Kit. HP 315 Camera and Printer 825cvr combo.
  16. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member

    Sams Club credit gave you 12 months interest no payments over $1000 computer purchases. From time to time they offer you no interest financing, no payments either 3,6 or 12 months over cretain amount of purchases on certain items.

  17. Fuba

    Fuba Well-Known Member

    How are the e-machines? I saw a system in Cosco for around $600. 1.6 with 256 ram, 40 gig HD, 17 inch mon and cable internet ready.
  18. Kiyi

    Kiyi Well-Known Member

    e machines? ew.
  19. kerry

    kerry Well-Known Member

    Monagram Bank are very difficult get approved by. I applied a while back and got turned down. Check out Dell. Dell is dropping prices like crazy right now because Intel dropped prices and Dell had very little inventory bought with old higher priced processors.

    Check out the steaks at Sam's. they are great.
  20. the other

    the other Well-Known Member

    Depends on your location. Mine takes mastercard only.

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