Sanity check - removing credit report (CFNA)

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dbgreen, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. dbgreen

    dbgreen New Member

    CFNA-firestone card only a few months old --I paid it off online once and (unbeknownst) was converted to email statements --which were being deleted (also unbeknownst) by my spam filter.

    One day I received notice from my bank (Chase) that my Home Eq loan had been frozen. Loan is tiny but I use it as a buffer to pay college tuition for my 4 kids. Discovered CFNA had issued a credit report against me for a $32 late amount (total current balance 448). Bank won't reinstate my loan until debt is cleared.

    CFNA balance was immediately paid off and closed. I submitted written request that they either remove the credit report or at least acknowledge it is paid and closed. They refused (in writing) to do either. One month later it still shows 448 balance.

    I know I have fault here for not pursuing my missing statements, but are they (CFNA) acting appropriately? (I'm in a tight spot right now with regards to college tuition for two kids.)
  2. sparq

    sparq Well-Known Member

    Does it show a "high balance" of $448 on your credit report? This is more of a high water mark, and unfortunately does belong there. On the other hand, if your credit report still shows that you owe them $448, I would dispute this with the CRAs immediately.
  3. dbgreen

    dbgreen New Member

    I guess I'll have to dispute it. I'm a bit perplexed how CFNA can get away with such behavior. On the phone they acknowledged it was paid off and closed out, but they insisted I had to request status change in writing. On their reply (in writing) they refused to even update it with "paid and closed" The reply was obnoxious. What sleeze bags!

    I now know what credit card agency to avoid like the plague: CFNA.

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