sat. judgement not gone!! LKH?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Ender, Jun 14, 2002.

  1. gib

    gib Well-Known Member

    Ender's problem I think is he/she thought oncce the judgement was satisfied it would be deleted from his/her credit report. It doesn't work that way. It is now being reported correctly as satisfied.

  2. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Everyone is 'assuming' what I am trying to say. Let's step back a bit and I'll review what happened..

    A CA was threatening me, eventually got a judgement because I didn't know I was supposed to respond to this.. this was back in 97. It basically escalated to wage garnishment around 2000. I ended up paying $2000 to settle it. IT was a done deal.. however on my CR, I disputed as NOT MINE NOT ACCURATE.. it was UPDATED to say SATISFIED. Now it says SATISFIED. The only thing that I could probably see wrong with this tradeline is that it states the WRONG dollar amount.

    Now, my objective is to remove it from my CR. How can I do this? How hard is it to vacate the judgement? I've already tried several times disputing w/ EQ to get it removed.. but to no avail. That is what my story is in regards to above..

    EQ ignored my request where I stated specifically:

    Who did you verify it by?
    What is his/her name?
    WHat is his/her number?
    What is his/her address?

    This was ignored and the response I got was t hat they will no longer investigate this and that it is accurate.

    Now, what next? How can I go through the process of trying to get it vacated? Is it past the SOL?
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I think I would go get a copy of that file from the court and see what's in it that you could use to get it vacated. Most likely need a lawyer. Since you have a while to go before it comes off, it might be worth the money. The CA's usually make a lot of legal mistakes but it would take some legal knowledge to spot them.

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