The whole Greg Fisher garbage and what he did. How everyone attacked smogtek's wife. Why this thread was even made. Bobby and his crap. It's just not what it used to be.
KHM, i understand your frustration about the other threads, but i don't see why you are upset with this thread? Mark is just being silly, he's from LA what do you expect? What do you find so offensive about this thread aside from it's silliness? humblemarc
I made a save Kellie website, which I'm sure most of you are aware, and I felt as though he was poking fun at me. Maybe it's my fault, I am extremely over sensitive lately, Hubby and I are going on month 4 of unemployment and no one's knocking down our door. I went from a rapid pay down on my debt to a Just the minimum payments per month. I EVEN QUIT SMOKING TO SAVE MONEY!!! (that could be a big part of it too) Doc- I need an appt. say tomorrow around 5ish?
Kellie - not poking fun. I was at my office earlier today and this PR girl called up and I spoke to her and every other word was "like" (she WAS a valley girl) and her sentances all ended with a question mark - and it tickled me funny bone. that's how the entire thread started - well - that and me fretting over my cc debt... btw - congrats on qiuiting smoking - i'm not that strong!
Kel, congrats on quitting smoking. Things will turn around - you hang in. Everybody goes there at least once in their lifetime - it's a bitch. The right job is out there, waiting for you to find it. Meantime, ain't nobody on this board being mean to you or Amy or anybody, and if anybody else is mean to you, you just tell us and we will like, make them SO wish they hadn't, like, done that? So suck on a straw and have some fun - it relieves the tension.
Kellie, I'm sure he didn't mean it to be mean at you - he was just poking fun at other things. Congrats on quitting smoking. And hey - hang in there. You've got to be a nice person - you're from NH! (from another former NH girl). And if anyone DOES mess with you - my two cats have offered to beat anyone up! Mommy2cats
I'm sorry, Kellie, and I know that doesn't help you much. There's no place more stressful than attempting to live on unemployment, pay bills and put food on the table -- ramen noodles even, I'm not talking about prime rib. Quitting smoking is not only dealing with the addiction but all the mental stuff that goes with it. I'm proud of you for quitting and keeping head up during the most stressful of life events. I know you're not soliciting, as soon as my next paycheck arrives, I'm clicking on the savekellie link -- I encourage everyone to do the same, whatever you can afford. Your site is the most sincere and certainly a worthy purpose -- who amongst us can't relate? Life happens, it's an easier road when you've supporters buffering all those boulders in the way ;-) Click c-netters click! Sassy
totally agree with sassy btw - kellie and i have exchanged emails - and she knows that this thread wasn't an attempt to make light of her situation. When i first came back to the U.S. (after lving outside the country for 24 years) i didn't have a job for four months - lived with my brother - and - it was no picnic. Mark LA
Yes Mark has apologized to me via private emails. I just want to apologize to the board for making a big deal out of this. I certainly didn't mean to drag my personal problems on to the board. Sassy- Thank you for the encouragement and kidn words, growling dudette BTW where did the growling part come from?
LOL KHM, Butch said someone was being too nice in a thread a few weeks ago, with their response/letter, he posted a copy of one of his letters as an example, asked if it sounded like he didn't mean business -- so I said something like, I hear you growling in that letter, Butch. I'm glad you posted your personals, Kellie, this place is nothing if not personal, even if we think we are anonymous -- finances, credit, money -- what is more personal than that. It does us good to remember that humans are sitting behind the keyboards. Sassy
Sorry if my remarks made anyone feel that I was making fun. I read the first post and got this mental imagine, and then the imagination let lose. The post actually made me laugh, which was a good thing at that time...I needed the laugh. There was no harm intended....the mental imagine just floored me at that time. So please accept my apology for my bad taste and timing.