SBC/SNET NEED Help on This One

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kbanger, Mar 8, 2004.

  1. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Down to the last derogs on my report. My telephone provider has 2 charge-offs on my report. Everytime I dispute them as not mine, I get a letter from them within a week. I would pay for deletion, but we are taking about 6 grand in phone calls (made by my cousin, when he was living with us, he is no longer living with us and has no money to pay)

    Anyway the OC always verifies and I gotta get rid of this. Need help, holla at your boy
  2. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Hey did you guys see that....oh it was just a bump
  3. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    I gotta bring this back up, it is on myTU and it is killing me
  4. want800

    want800 Well-Known Member

    have you asked the CA for validation??

    how bout procedures from the CRA?

    Let me guess, you must be dealing with American Agencies??
  5. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Actually they do not use CAs. They list it themselves and you have to contact them. It is in my name at my current address. I tried the pay for delete route and got a firm NO. Tried to dispute with CRAs as not mine and I got a letter from them.
  6. hiding90

    hiding90 Banned

    -Because the phone account IS in your name and your address WHY WOULD YOU DISPUTE IT AS NOT YOURS ?:)

    -IF the accounts are "yours" (leaving the arguement out about who made the calls) disputing the account as not yours is kinda silly, and easy to show otherwise. A better route is to dispute the status, balance, dates, account numbers etc etc of the accounts.

    -What is the original date of delinquency?
  7. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    Because the phone account IS in your name and your address WHY WOULD YOU DISPUTE IT AS NOT YOURS ?:)
    H- 90
    Because just because something is in my name at my address it don't automatically follow that it's mine or that I owe it.


    ><- <>- ><- <> ~~~ ><- <>- ><- <> ><
  8. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: SBC/SNET NEED Help on This One

    My thoughts exactly. Now can we come up with a plan to get these things off. They are the last of my derogs that I am having a serious problem with. Can someone help me with this
  9. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: SBC/SNET NEED Help on This

    Still have these derogs, anybody had luck with this company?
  10. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    Re: Re: SBC/SNET NEED Help on This

    Is this the telephone company? You might check your state's PUC (public utilities commission), or whatever they call it where you live, and check to see what their responsibilities are when a customer disputes charges.

    Not to be nosy, but 6K is an awful lot of talking, could they be those notorious 900 numbers? Might be an angle to work.

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