Great question Butch. I'll be doing the same in feb. or so. Whats your thinking on doing it on the same day? So the inquiries dont get in the way ect.?
Do a search on Christi. She did that in the spring. She applied for all the cards that she wanted for a particular CRA in a single day. Charlie isn't exactly cutting edge information, and most of the accounts pull different bureaus depending on who submits the information. That is too eradic to be useful.
It appears BofA Platinum Visa is not exclusively score driven. I just applied online, they pulled TU, I had a FAKO of 816. (Now 813, lost 3 points for that inquiry). I got the "application pending, check back in 24 hours" notice, I'm sure approval was not instant because of 6 inquires and some minor old derogs. Most others with 750+ are getting approved instantly. I guess we're waiting for an actual person to look over the application. Also I applied for BofA Platinum Business Visa and they unexpectedly pulled Experian for an instant denial, the INQ appears as "EXP BUS INFO SOL". Dang, wasn't expecting that. EXP 660.
I just checked their site and couldn't find any online apps. Here is the info I did find. The ability to apply for a FNANB VISA credit card account online will be in place in the future. If you are interested in an application, please call 1-800-728-8472. Written correspondence requesting an application can be sent to the following address: FNANB Attn: Written Correspondence Department P.O. Box 42336 Richmond, VA 23242
tommyy - sorry I thought it was instant decision on the web site but I guess not. I had just noticed the "apply now" button and thought it was instant but when you click on the button it just gives you the information that LKH has posted. You can go to a circuit city store and apply though, thats what I did.
Re: Re: Score Driven CC's? My EFX is 729, Was told "cannot approve without review by loan officer, who will contact you within one busniness day". Can they reject me solely because I live in NY and they are in GA?
Re: Re: Score Driven CC's? Stacy Ray is the person who manually approves accounts at Atlantic Coast Federal.
Re: Re: Score Driven CC's? You are braver than me. I want to make sure I can trust myself with 3 cards with about $5,000 before I go this route. I am not convinced I am responsible enough to manage $75,000 in credit.
Re: Re: Score Driven CC's? Y'all and your 700+ scores...blah blah blah. Of course, I'm just jealous!!!!! On my way...millimeter by 700 Can't wait to run with the big dogs!