Score Increase Poll

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by robin, Aug 15, 2002.

  1. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    How likely is your score to increase under the following circumstances assuming their is still colelctions or chargeoffs on your credit report and each deletion is 2years old? Please fill in the pionts.

    Charge-off deletion:
    30 day late deletion:
    60 day late deletion:
    90 day late deletion:
    judgement deletion:
    bankruptcy deletion:
    reposession deletion:
    open collection deletion:
    civil suit deletion:

    Thanks for participating!
  2. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    -87 points if it is trans union.

  3. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I think that's wrong. According to my calculations, it would be 73 pts.

    Actually Robin, it is impossible to guess what kind of increase you would get. How many derogs are still there? If there is only 1 or 2 left, then you might see a significant jump. But there is just no way to know.
  4. cibomatto

    cibomatto Well-Known Member

    At this stage I am not worried about my score however After getting for tradelines removed I notive no score change...
  5. robin

    robin Well-Known Member

    The idea was what your opinion would be regarding what tyoe of increase you might see if anyone of these things took place. It could be 1 point 2, whatever. Just getting a general idea of everyone's past experiences with this arbitrary thing we call FICO.
  6. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    I would say that the chargeoff, bk, judgment and repo would each, if separately deleted one by one, would probably be worth 10 to 15 pts each. That was my experience. But being that you still have derogs, you may not get that much. When you get to the point where your last derog is deleted, you will see a large jump.
  7. markman

    markman Well-Known Member

    On my Equifax report I have two chargeoffs. One paid and one unpaid. Both are from 1996. If I dispute the unpaid one (which still shows a balance), my score jumps more than 50 points to the middle 700s.

    A couple of months ago I used to have 3 negatives. The above plus another chargeoff from 1996 (unpaid but reporting 0 balance). When it came off my score did not change at all.

    If I use the score simulator and say that I will keep paying my credit cards for another month my estimated score is 25-40 points more than my current.

    I don't think there is anyway to predict TU's score. For me, today it jumped to 733 from 712 after my Target card reported that it had no balance (it was $10 before!!).

    My experian score didn't change at all either when a negative was removed (2 left).

  8. jrjr35

    jrjr35 Well-Known Member

    I agree with LKH, your score won't change much until the last negative falls off.
  9. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    I agree with the 10-15 points increase. Unfortunately, its the last one that counts the most


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