score needed for MBNA

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ahossen, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. ahossen

    ahossen Well-Known Member


    I have

    648 for EQ 07/11/02
    552 for EX 07/11/02
    572 for TU

    i would like to apply for MBNA. or, which other card I can apply.


  2. javan

    javan Well-Known Member

    not sure about MBNA, but with EQ being your best score, you should try Target Visa & Household Bank.
  3. ahossen

    ahossen Well-Known Member


    thanks. I heard that MBNA pulls EQ. I cant apply target and Household. I had charged off with them 6 yrs ago.

  4. wajaba

    wajaba Well-Known Member


    I don't have a card from MBNA, but from what I gathered by reading this thread from a while back, they don't seem to be as score-driven as some other issuers. This can be good if your scores are so-so, but you're free of any major derogs and have established other positive tradelines. Conversely, big hits on your report (such as judgements or charge-offs) might sink you even if you somehow managed to get a decent score. Just a guess, though...

  5. Manequinne

    Manequinne Well-Known Member

    I hope this site helps:

    It is a site that you can search by creditor and find what report they pull, and what score others in your state have had to get approved.

    Also, you can refine your search to find only those who pull certain reports:

    Of course, I got the website address from this wonderful board :).
  6. bailey

    bailey Well-Known Member

    MBNA has been known to pull 2 inquires, one on TU and Exp, and they like to see high scores, not that we really know what are scores truly are from those 2:(
  7. ahossen

    ahossen Well-Known Member

    thanks wajaba, baily and other.

    I am reading those threads and may be will apply for MBNA and see how that goes. I might send an email to rubyjean he works for MBNA. Becuse I dont wana put a hard inq in my report unless I know for sure that I will get the card.

    thaks again guys.

  8. EdG

    EdG Well-Known Member

    I applied with MBNA two weeks ago they pulled TU my score was 650 and I was denied.
  9. picantel

    picantel Well-Known Member

    We had a 648 score and were denied if that helps. I do not think you have a chance here.
  10. cmg0679

    cmg0679 Well-Known Member

    Try for the First Union Visa card, I was approved with a EQ of 613 and had some neg. from past years. The account will be serviced and issued by MBNA but approved at First Union standards. MBNA bought all First Union gold and plat. accounts. The green account is still serviced by household bank.
  11. Mook

    Mook Active Member

    The green card is serviced by MBNA too.
  12. Mirage

    Mirage Well-Known Member

    MBNA is tough, my guess is a 660 or better with no derogs would be the standard.

    Best regards,
  13. Ron

    Ron Well-Known Member


    Tried apply for Capital One Visa/MC and they're pretty easy. By the way, MBNA will denied you if you have any negative account.

  14. ahossen

    ahossen Well-Known Member

    thanks all the guys,

    you guys are very helpful. I guess I will not apply for MBNA. Score needs more tune up. I do have 2 cap1.
    cap1 gold: 2300 limit
    Cap1 Palt: 600

    One Discover AU: 12000 ( just got an AU, hasnt posted to the CRA yet)

    FUSA : 15000 AU( just got an AU, hasnt posted to the CRA yet)

    First union: do tehy pull EQ?

    thanks guys

  15. rubyjean

    rubyjean Well-Known Member

    MBNA does not use EQ, they use TU and EXP..Approval is not based all on Your Scores, they use Judgemental Lending, in which most applications are reviewed by an analyst, who will make a decision based on the Depth of your file, how you have handled your individual and joint debts, what type of work that you do, What type of Income that you have.. there are other factors, also


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