Scoring Factors ?'s

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by OtherTerri, Oct 27, 2001.

  1. cjd

    cjd Active Member

    lbrown, read what I said again. I said that I didn't want to get into how accurate or useful FICO is to anyone. I just said that is is currently in USE and because of that it IS important and "real"! If you want to borrow money, you will most likely need to come to at least take a passing interest in that stupid score. We both know that so don't try to dodge around it just because you don't like that way companies use it.

    As far as your suggestion about pricing products based on your score, it makes absolutely no sense at all. FICO is a statistical predictor of your risk of defaulting on a loan. BMW couldn't give a crap your risk of defaulting if you pay cash. If you are not going to pay cash, but instead ask them to finance it then they most likely already get a credit score.

    I am sure your response will be that FICO is really a tool for companies to scam you out of more money so it makes sense for it to be used to set sale prices. But here's the truth, if someone wants to charge you more (for a loan or purchase) they don't need a score to do that, they can just do that. And of course you have an easy response, don't do business with them!


    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    I WAS BORN IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA...I have lots of trouble when the temperature goes below 40...BUT I actually LIVED when it was -26 in COLORADO (NOT WIND CHILL FACTOR).
  3. OtherTerri

    OtherTerri Well-Known Member

    Whoa George, -26! I don't like it below 70!

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