I am broke. I as of this very second have 1.33 cents in the bank that I can touch (until my damn mortgage company calls and verifies my funds. I want to go ShOpPiNg.
LOL Call up your friends, and go shopping with them. THEN remember you can't use any of your CCs or cash. Let them be thankful for your friendship and offer to pay for you!
Poor baby ;-) You could buy 3 candy bars at 40 cents each, and have a little change left. You could donate 1.00 to the charity that is at the checkout counter. (those donate cans). You could have a HUGE shopping spree at the .99 cents store. The possibilities are endless LOL..........
what - you wanna be out with all the nutjobs? You want to drive around and around looking for that only parking space that makes you walk a mile to the door? You want to go stand in a line for something they've knocked $25 off - a special sale starting at 5 am and only lasting 17 1/2 minutes?? You want to stand in crowds, manuever around bodies and elbows, strollers and kids?? You want to exhaust yourself buying things for OTHER people - stuff you don't even get to keep?? nosireeeeeee - I'm GLAD I'm broke. Saves me all the aggravation!! gargoyle girl
I LOVE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!!!! I love retail, I love my job, I love retail, I love my job......I figure if I say it long enough, I might actually start to believe it.....now where's my beer?
No way. I LOVE black Friday. It is my FAVORITE day of the year I have got my whole morning plotted out. Thank god for layaway! I promised myself that I would NOT put one single red penny on the cards for Xmas this year. I FOUND a 50.00 check in my purse today that I got as a refund from ATT. I thought that it was a bill and didn't open it (ROFL) ANYWHO, that will be my shopping money to put stuff on layaway. Hubby usually gets paid tomorrow but his boss jetted to FL without leaving his check (jerk)
Wanna hear worse? I went shopping tonight, had money to spend. Couldn't get into the spirit. Couldn't find a friggin' thing I wanted to buy
I work in a store....I find things to buy all the time. But the problem is that I don't feel like being in a store when I'm done working, so I forget to buy things all the time. I don't even like to go to the mall.....people irritate me there. George? How do you feel about that?
It's funny-when you have money, you can't find a thing. Now, when your broke, you cand find all sorts of things you want!!
Beware AT&T Be sure to exaime that "refund" check from AT&T before you sign and deposit it. It might contractually obligate you to use their services by doing so. ATT used to send me nice large checks in an effort to get my long distance service.
I'm curious- Has everyone gotten their WalMart flyer for Black Friday? Ok whats on sale in YOUR flyer from 6-11? We got a 27" TV $148, DVD/VHS player $98.... just curious if these things are cheaper elsewhere.
Try Target for the DVD/VHS player.........I can't give any secrets away, but it's a REALLY FREAKIN GOOD PRICE.......less than what walmart has it for....shhhhhhh. The fleece isn't on sale, but the pullover ones are....and I have some good jewelry deals........ Just get there at 7am when they open, otherwise the electronics will be gone. *** I lied, I just looked at our flier, and it's $138 for the GOVIDEO player.....sorry***
Vman, I saw that on TV. That's a great price. I wonder if eBay, Half.com or Amazon could touch that. For all the Wal-Mart shoppers: If you have a Super Wal-Mart, go very early and collect up the stuff you want to buy. When the sale starts, make sure you're positioned near the Lawn and Garden Center for faster check-out. Everyone else will be waiting in the longer main check-out lines...and you'll feel like a winner. Too bad the strategy doesn't work at Target.